

It has been 700 generations since we left our home planet. Some still remember the beauty it held, but many have forgotten what life outside of this cold metallic beast was like; like the stories passed down from our elders are just a fairytale that never existed. I, for one, don’t know either way…and I couldn't care less. All I know is that I grow tired of the nothingness and wish t leave…either by landing…or the other method. Captain Alketar, a flimsy twig of a creature with the stalwart determination of a diamond-wood tree, has guided this vessel for the past 70 years and doesn’t look a day over 30. He assures us that a new home is close. But how close is “close”. There is minimal power for anything but the ships systems. As a result, we have taken to keeping our minds active with mind exercises and the occasional viewing of The Expanse. We only have 30 seasons but it's still as amazing as when it premiered. Everything is still the same as it always is, and the days have long since bled together. What I wouldn’t give for a break in this monotony…I didn’t know how swiftly my request would be answered.


Trek through the Stars

Today is…um…I don’t even know any more. I’m pretty sure my quarters have shrunk about 3 inches from all the hatch marks that have built up. I think its mealtime since my stomach is growling louder than yinlings yearlong storms. I head to the mess hall, grab my Nutripaste, and sit in my usual spot, starboard aft so I can look out the porthole. As I’m about to take my third spoonful of Nutripaste, the trash horn begins blaring. This signals that celestial debris is near the ship. It's usually asteroid remains or a government space doohickey. USUALLY. What I see doesn’t seem to be space trash. I’ve seen this craft before, in the holos of a weird show called Trek Stars or something like that. I never paid much attention to it but I think they voted people off the show by locking them in a pod and firing them into the cosmos. I leap from my seat, leaving my goo behind, and rush towards the bridge. Hopefully I can persuade the captain to bring it aboard to study it since it looks in amazing shape. Maybe we could use the parts to repair the ship since we're just listing along at the mercy of celestial winds.



Celebrity Battles

(star wars)



Space Creatures




Which Medic?

(Dr. Who)


Tinder Crickets


Liquid Screams aka Clean behind your gears

(Terminator meets Wall-e)