info Overview
Name - What's the name of The Silver Society?

The Silver Society

Description - How would you describe The Silver Society?

A senate of sorts, with two members from each civilization.

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is The Silver Society?


Power Source - Where does The Silver Society's source of power come from?

The laws passed down from generations upon generations, from the word of Empress Sylvanus.

Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does The Silver Society have in place?

The Checks and Balances of the Silver Society are the Quartet of Honor; two paladins and 2 inquisitors.

Jobs - What jobs does The Silver Society provide? What jobs are necessary to run it?

To be in the Silver Society, you must be voted in. Each member serves a 10 year seat. To assure fair voting, each candidate is marked with a Ring of Truth and Honor to ensure there is no bribery or other manipulation of the seats.

cloud Ideologies
gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of The Silver Society?

Voting is by blind ballot. The booth is blacked out with lead lining. The ballots have the candidates name with a mark next to it. You select your candidate by pressing the mark with your finger. The names are randomized but the marks stay the same (Carl Bastion may be first on one ballot but 5th on another). After voting has concluded, the Quartet of Honor counts the votes. Elections are held every 5 years and you can only serve 2 consecutive terms (20 years)

Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in The Silver Society?

10 years, 20 if you are allowed a double term

Criminal System - What is The Silver Society's criminal system like?

Judiciary hearing with guilt being a death penalty. If falsification happens, the accuser is splashed with acid as a penalty and the case is thrown out.

visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of The Silver Society? What are their approval ratings?

Dra'Qun Tha approves
Warchiefs are indifferent
Nobility is 70/30 (Y/N)
Commoner is 30/70 (Y/N)

International Relations - What do international governments think about The Silver Society? How are their relations?

Depending on the civilization, international relations range from hated to beloved; mostly beloved.

Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by The Silver Society?

Various livelihoods due to being from various walks.

group Members
date_range History
shopping_cart Assets
edit Notes

This government was created by Trevor Christians on

See more from Trevor Christians
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