This is a city of the elitest arcanists ever known. The entrances are crafted to remove any "toxins" from ones exterior.
The Glowing City, Wiggleberg, Hemas-topia
The statue in the city center of Eilistraee wearing Lolths crest embracing Asmodeus under the gaze of Shinare
- No crossing of arms between those of goodly morals & questionable ones. Those who choose to break this law shall choose between being shelled or executed.
- Be civil towards each other. Any report of ill will towards another will be grounds for extensive investigation.
- Should a crossing of arms be the only solution to an issue, Both parties will be escorted to the arena to settle disputes. 3 random judges will be in attendance to officiate the contest, with the loser being shelled and sentenced to an anti-magic item being worn until their natural time is at an end.
The ancient elf mage Cornelius Shugahmule got tired from a challenge to not use magic to be to the next city. He decided to say "Wall this" and conjured a city where he stood. Unbeknownst to him, where he placed a fountain was an underground water source that Drow used. To quell a call for war with the Drow, he made a treaty that "so long as this city stands, neither Light Seers or Dark Dwellers shall cross arms in anger. Let us join in unity to begin peace between worlds." And it was made so. The statue in the city center is a testament to the first day peace was had, which marks the uniting of good & evil under a greater goal
This town was created by Trevor Christians on
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