info Overview
Name - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s full name?

Gilthax Orcos Firemaw

Role - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s role in your story?

Warchief of the Blaze-eater Clan

Other names - What other aliases does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw go by?

Gilthax, Firemaw, Warchief

Gender - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s gender?


Age - How old is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw weigh?

128 lbs

Height - How tall is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw?


Hair Color - What color is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw style their hair?

Cropped short

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

Red 5 o'clock shadow

Eye Color - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s eye color?

Left is Hazel, right is chartreuse

Race - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

Right eye is chartreuse

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

  • Left eye twitches when he is confused.

  • The more he drinks, the more civilized he gets.

  • The bunny ranks higher than anyone else

Motivations - What motivates Gilthax Orcos Firemaw most?

The desire to enslave those who disrespect the Blaze-eater Clan

Flaws - What flaws does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

  • His love for Mr. Flufflebutt outweighs his common sense.

  • His kids arent on his list of priorities...or even his thoughts.

  • Forgets to eat when interacting with Mr. Flufflebutt.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

Hates everyone- other's lives don't matter as long as Mr. Flufflebutt is happy.

Talents - What talents does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

  • He plays the pan flute surprisingly well.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

Mr. Flufflebutt
Mr. Flufflebutt
Mr. Flufflebutt

Did I mention Mr. Flufflebutt?

Personality type - What personality type is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw?

Highly charismatic, Diplomatic, Warmonger.


1 eye is fake

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw practice?


Politics - What politics does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

Might Makes Right

Occupation - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s favorite color?

The blood of his enemies & the trampled ash of conquered villages

Favorite food - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s favorite possession?

His fathers Maul

Favorite weapon - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s favorite weapon?

His fathers Maul

Favorite animal - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s favorite animal?

Mr. Flufflebutt his bunny

Job - What job does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s birthday?

Day 232 of the year

Education - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s level of education?

Education is for the weak.

Background - What is Gilthax Orcos Firemaw’s background?

Everything behind him

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Gilthax Orcos Firemaw have?

A white, fluffy bunny named Mr. Flufflebutt who resides in a modified war wagon.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Gilthax Orcos Firemaw

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This character was created by Trevor Christians on

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