info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

917- Zenith

Genre - What genre best describes 917- Zenith?


Description - How would you describe 917- Zenith?

Theta's Universe

book History
gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in 917- Zenith?

Typical, plus radiation.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in 917- Zenith?

Magic defies physics, but has its own set of laws.

edit Notes

Where Zenith lives

history Changelog
This universe contains...
3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The Lab Where Zenith was made
terrain Black Market A series of back alleys and abandoned buildings that no self-respecting or non-suicidal person would ever go to. It also exists on the web, although there it's known as 'the Dark Web'.
terrain Inter-Dimensions Where Multi-Versal is located

3 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Katana Its a katana. And it's pure white. Not silver, but a blinding white. Its sheath is a black leather-like material, but somehow holds up to the blade, despite it being sharp and strong enough to ...
emoji_events Amaryllis Flower Necklace A red amaryllis flower necklace with a thin gold chain.
emoji_events Amber Ring An amber stone set into a sterling silver base of a ring.

1 lore reorder
book Lores close
book Project Theta Theta ([[Character-772560]]) was made from artificially constructed DNA, a protein made entirely in a lab. Said DNA was split in half and used to create an egg and sperm, which were then re-merged ...

This universe was created by Kat on

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