info Overview
Name - What is John Stonehide’s full name?

John Stonehide

Gender - What is John Stonehide’s gender?


Role - What is John Stonehide’s role in your story?

Love Interest

Age - How old is John Stonehide?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is John Stonehide’s hair?


Hair Style - How does John Stonehide style their hair?

Shaggy, short.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does John Stonehide have?


Eye Color - What is John Stonehide’s eye color?

Grey-ish green

Race - What is John Stonehide’s race?


Skin Tone

Fair, somewhat tan.

Body Type

Thin, not very muscular.


Work: Scrubs.

Casual: White t-shirt, gray sweatpants, white tennis shoes, and a blue cap.


When on a date he'll wear lipstick and small amounts of blush.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates John Stonehide most?

He wants to help people. He feels like he has suffered in his life (which he has) and wants to prevent others from going through things like he has. He also wants to find love. He feels like he never can, though, due to his family being extremely homophobic.




Neutral Good

Hobbies - What hobbies does John Stonehide have?

He has an part-time late night job working at a gay bar, telling himself that one day he'll get the courage to go up to someone and flirt. So far, he's turned down all advances made his way.

He likes to read, especially sci-fi. His favorite book to read (even though his read it fifty times) is 'Ready Player One'

Flaws - What flaws does John Stonehide have?

He's too quick to trust. If he thinks he can see a spark of good in someone, he will do all he can to help them find it- even if its a lost cause.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does John Stonehide have?

Bites his nails when thinking, bounces leg(s) while sitting, drums fingers on things when bored, and his body tightens up when he's annoyed.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does John Stonehide practice?


Occupation - What is John Stonehide’s occupation?

Uh... what the job part says.

Favorite color - What is John Stonehide’s favorite color?
Favorite food - What is John Stonehide’s favorite food?

Pizza- oh who am I kidding? It's chocolate dipped strawberries

Favorite weapon - What is John Stonehide’s favorite weapon?

He doesn't like weapons.

Job - What job does John Stonehide have?


(He does blood draws. He works at a blood bank.)

vpn_lock Societal Status
book History
Birthday - When is John Stonehide’s birthday?

August 29th

Education - What is John Stonehide’s level of education?

Currently in college, becoming a nurse.

He goes to NYS of Medicine

(New York School of Medicine)

Background - What is John Stonehide’s background?

See Zenith Zander Zagami .

But he grew up in a very christian family, and they did not like him being gay.
He tried to keep it a secret, but his abusive boyfriend outed him. So John broke up with him, bc that was the last straw. But then he had to deal with his family. They almost kicked him out, but in the end, they sent him to a Conversion camp. Spoiler: this did not make him straight. But he pretended it did when he came back to avoid his family's rage and/or more attempts to 'fix' him. They believed him, and John remains firmly in the closet, even though he moved out to go to college.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
announcement Unique Information
art_track Story Role
Main Plot Point

Zenith's second love interest.

favorite Humanization

Being persecuted by his family.

extension Mental State
Mental Disorders


casino D&D





A bit above average.






Pretty good



Pretty good




edit Notes
history Changelog
whatshot Threat Level
Threat Level

Very Low / Low / Medium Low / Medium / Medium High / High / Very High / Impossible

Low. He may pose a slight challenge, but nothing that can't be easily overcome by anyone with any amount of skill.

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked John Stonehide

Character chevron_right Friends link linked John Stonehide

This character was created by Kat on

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