info Overview
Name - What is Marcus Jones’s full name?

Marcus Jones

Gender - What is Marcus Jones’s gender?


Role - What is Marcus Jones’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Marcus Jones?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Marcus Jones?


Hair Color - What color is Marcus Jones’s hair?

Jet black

Hair Style - How does Marcus Jones style their hair?

Slicked back

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marcus Jones have?


Eye Color - What is Marcus Jones’s eye color?

Light Green

Race - What is Marcus Jones’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale Caucasian

Body Type

Thin, and small. Ectomorph except he's not super tall.


Black shirt, white lab coat, grey jeans and sneakers.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Marcus Jones most?

He wants to be rich. If he makes perfect human weapons and sells them to the army, he could make a fortune. (see background and important facts)

In addition to this, he also wants to protect Luna Richardson . He would do anything to keep her safe.




Lawful Neutral


Luna Richardson

He's in love with her, and to protect her, tells her nothing of his research or experiments. He would to do anything to keep her safe.

Personality type - What personality type is Marcus Jones?

(see Mental State)

He's terrified of not being loved, of people hating him. He does everything he can to be of importance to people. He wants to invent things like Zenith so that he'll never be forgotten, he'll always be loved and cared for.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Marcus Jones have?

Experimenting. He likes to take things apart and see how they work.

He also likes to draw.

Talents - What talents does Marcus Jones have?

He's an expert in biological science. PHD., and everything. He's also pretty good at drawing (somehow managing to get straight lines w/o rulers).

Flaws - What flaws does Marcus Jones have?

Something created in a lab is not considered human to him.

He doesn't care about the greater good or helping people with his inventions, only if he can benefit from them- and how people will react to them.

He puts on a tough show in front of tough people, trying to prove himself. He tries to mold himself to fit people's expectations.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Marcus Jones have?

Straightens his glasses when he's uncomfortable or nervous.

He blinks too much when he lies.

He doesn't have many mannerisms that stick with him because he's constantly molding himself to fit people's expectations.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Marcus Jones practice?


Politics - What politics does Marcus Jones have?


Occupation - What is Marcus Jones’s occupation?

Government worker.

Favorite color - What is Marcus Jones’s favorite color?

Silver. He likes the way the light catches on it, the glimmer and shine it gives.

Favorite possession - What is Marcus Jones’s favorite possession?
Favorite weapon - What is Marcus Jones’s favorite weapon?

Laser. Its a precise tool for slowly taking things apart.

Job - What job does Marcus Jones have?

Scientist. He works for the government.

vpn_lock Societal Status
book History
Birthday - When is Marcus Jones’s birthday?

February 28th

Education - What is Marcus Jones’s level of education?

PHD is genetics, and Masters in engineering.

Background - What is Marcus Jones’s background?

He grew up an orphan, jumping from foster home to foster home. No one really wanted him. He wanted to become so famous and rich, so powerful, that everyone would love him, everyone would care about him. (see motivations and Mental State)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
announcement Unique Information
Important Facts

Creator of Zenith Zander Zagami , an the first artificial human. Zenith was created by Marcus to be a weapon of war that could be put into dangerous situations without worry of him dying because he's not actually human- and they can always make more (once Marcus remembers how he did it). ((spoiler: Zenith has a consciousness and doesn't want to die. This, kids, is what we call a conflict of interest.))

art_track Story Role
Main Plot Point

He created Zenith in The Lab , and is trying to get him back to figure out how he created him. Because he did it in the middle of the night while he was half-awake and he can't figure out how.


He is engaged to Luna Richardson .

favorite Humanization

He fears being hated, being forgotten, being shut out and bullied.

Things They Like

He likes positive attention, praise, building things, messing with genetics, and flattery. He also likes to draw.

extension Mental State
Mental Disorders

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Effects Of Mental Disorders


Marcus has times where he becomes extremely sad, irritable or anxious, typically lasting for a few hours.

He repeatedly feels a sense of emptiness.

He has episodes of intense, uncontrollable anger— which are followed by shame and guilt.

He acts impulsively, doing whatever he thinks is best in the heat of the moment- and refuses to change his mind, even after his decision is proven to have been bad.

He is constantly changing his opinion of people- including himself. One minute he'll love someone and knows they love him back, the next he's convinced they hate him.

He's constantly stressing over whether people care about him- and does everything in his power to make sure that people love him. He has an extreme fear of abandonment.


He's constantly worried- there's always something he's stressed about. It's uncommon to find a moment when he's calm, not affected by either of these disorders.

He constantly has intrusive thoughts, usually about how he's not trying hard enough- they commonly urge him to kill or hurt himself. So far, he's managed to avoid leaving any injuries other than a few 'accidental' bruises.

Marcus hates uncertainty- he feels the need to know exactly what's going to happen. That's part of why he went into science- everything is predictable, and if you don't know something, you can spend all your time trying to figure it out.

casino D&D


A little weaker than the average person.



Pretty nimble when it comes to navigating small, detailed things, but other than that pretty normal.



Average health.



Wisdom is how good you are at paying attention, and realizing things. He's pretty good at it.



He is very good at recalling lore and information.



He's about as charismatic as the average person.

edit Notes
history Changelog
whatshot Threat Level
Threat Level

Very Low / Low / Medium Low / Medium / Medium High / High / Very High / Impossible

Medium High. His intelligence can prove to be a challenge, but in combat, he should be fairly easy to defeat.

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This character was created by Kat on

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