info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Omirus?

A vast and beautiful world with amazing creatures, stunning sights, and adventures everywhere.

Genre - What genre best describes Omirus?

Modern fantasy

date_range History
gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Omirus?

The laws of physics are the same as on earth, but the use of specialized abilities and magic can help people to bend those laws.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Omirus?

Magic is the very core of this world's dynamics, and it is seen everywhere in everyday life. There are ten types of magic available to anyone who wishes to learn it:

  1. Learned - Classic magic that is usually taught from a book

  2. Personalized - Creating a magic that caters to ones specific skillset

  3. Gifted - Magic that is given from one being to another. The most common case being gods giving power to their followers

  4. Object - Wherein an object itself is magical and the user simply conducts it

  5. Genetic - A special ability that is passed down through families from one generation to the next. Only members of the family would be able to do the ability

  6. Summoning - Summoning a magical creature to do bidding for oneself

  7. Elemental - Magic that uses control of the elements

  8. Animal - Magic that enchants and controls animals in a multitude of ways

  9. Transformation - Changing one thing into another

  10. Body - Magic that comes from or uses ones body

Magic users can even combine multiple magic types for even more unique abilities. For example, summoning magic usually requires a conduit of sorts to work, so it's very common to see summoning and object magic being used together.

Magic, however, can be very difficult to learn and always comes at a cost. People who try to abuse the magic tend to harm themselves more than others, but the ones who do manage to get away with it will find themselves face to face with a group designed to neutralize and take away magic from dangerous individuals. Because of it's difficulty to master and potential risks, most people only know low-level magics that help with normal life but it's very common to see skilled users and gifted fighters, due to the pursuit of knowledge and race for greatness.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Omirus?

Any technology that exists here is powered by magic but it's still very rustic.

edit Notes

There are multiple stories for this universe. Characters tagged with 'Storyline' have a story planned out for them. Characters tagged with 'Pending' don't have anything planned out for them yet. While characters tagged with 'Storyline Pending' have certain things planned out for them but no official story yet.

Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Omirus?

Lord of the Rings, Dungeons & Dragons, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, The Adventure Zone

This universe contains...
64 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Malzear Dureau Paladin
group Amari Calhann Bodyguard
group Hugh Graham McCray Knight
group Calder Harold Ainsley Smuggler
group Yurgi Deeproots Farmer
group Sals Drenk Trapper
group Norjac Boulderslash Gladiator
group Eidre Xarlin Merchant
group Hadobi Deresh Duelist
group Tetra Tydial Outlaw
group Marley Idlane Dockmaster
group Shay Idlane Shipwright
group Dorzes Idlane Chimney Sweep
group Rhaca Goris Mercenary
group Cole Ire Navy Soldier
group Finn Tydial Outlaw
group Nari Kulryn Assassin
group Effie MacDonald Wizard
group Izza McRay Knight
group Alaric Mastk Beast Hunter
group Percy Del Mont Magician
group Predent Mexus Construction Manager
group Venette Mercy Gang Leader
group Ursula Ione Special Forces
group Raya Milakis Special Forces Captain
group Qira Oakenheart Special Forces
group Mari Lia Auili'rich Charlatan
group Nikos Wileder/Cyrus Demon Host
group Spiro Wanderer
group Darius Till Magdy Traveler
group Matish Ryn Dureau Partier
group Artan Hephroth Elnan Assassin
group Ara Detrum Paiger Psychic/Prophet
group Demetria Lyion Karlis Detective
group Brugo Shakr Soldier
group Natah Cragson Wilderness Navigator
group Rashida Mae Howler Bounty Hunter
group Kalmas Ehnasath Soldier
group Becou Kahlin Royalty
group Dally Hilyn Entertainer
group Gust-O Wind Entertainer
group Xitodae Pright Ruler
group Irwyn Hiwell Sellsword
group Bauer Torell Pirate
group Garira Idlane Stableboy
group Hara Gedral Gang Member
group Raphe Chizov Vigilante
group Luts Qhi'al Princess
group Sentinel Guard
group Clemont Ruslan Sniper
group Tora Cilluia Guard
group Yan Wey Scavenger
group Yphale Hethyne Caravan Leader
group Lauden Stonewall Ex-Prince
group Sybil Del Mont Magician
group Enric Rumix Construction Manager
group Stela Emline Knight
group Inora Paxidor Gang Member
group Locket Gang Member
group Levy Valnise Special Forces
group Gio Osharus Special Forces
group Tager Brighthold Special Forces
group Wicker Rogue Deity
group Rune Lost Beast

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Central Republic Capital This is the capital for all of Ulsurtur. Important decisions are made here and laws get passed by the Council of Decisions that resides there. It’s building are very symmetrical and rounded(think R...
terrain Abnic

1 country reorder
flag Countries close
flag Ulsurtur Known for being the "dredge" of all the countries, many outcasts find themselves here. But the mystery seeped into the very ground itself could change that around for everyone.

1 creature reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Giants A tall, mostly docile creature with an unusual appetite

7 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Mira Goddess of Time
ac_unit Mateus God of the death planes
ac_unit Hubris God of protection
ac_unit Volva Goddess of demonic entities
ac_unit Lodus God of transport between living creatures and the death plane
ac_unit Odeste Goddess of fortune
ac_unit Omus New God

3 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc Team Effie One of the four groups of heroes set to save Omirus led by Effie
wc The Founders A group of friends and adventures who seek out new lands in hopes of making a better home for future generations.
wc The Ilthrari An evil group bent on world damnation, and destruction.

2 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Gifted Magic gifted from one to another
flash_on Learned Magic taught from a book

2 races reorder
face Races close
face Vormon Winged individuals gifted with strength and agility
face Kandit A humanoid cat-bird species, known for being the fastest race.

1 tradition reorder
today Traditions close
today Crimson Fest A holiday to mask ones identity

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