info Overview
Name - What is Infiniball named?


Description - How would you describe Infiniball?

A contact based sport where the goal is to get the most points

input Setup
Play area - Where is Infiniball played? What surfaces or environments are needed?

A coliseum or any other circular playing field. Within the field, their are four playing areas that expand outwards from a point in the middle of the arena.

Equipment - What equipment do players need to play Infiniball?

Pretty loose clothing restrictions as long as they are protective equipment. Players are also given the playing ball when it is needed.

Number of players - How many people can play Infiniball in a game? How many on each team? How many teams?

The game is played between four teams of four players.

Scoring - How do players score points in Infiniball?

When a player successfully shoots the ball into the ring, they earn a point. In the first round, the score is one for every successful shot. Round two, points are worth double. Round three, triple. And round four, they are worth the most at x4.

Penalties - How can players be penalized in Infiniball?

When a player steps out of bounds for too long, they get a reduction on their points, and the shot won't count if they were out of bounds when they made it. Due to the physical nature of the game, you can be rough with the player who has the ball, but attacking someone who doesn't have the ball is a penalty.

How to win - How does a player or team win in Infiniball?

Whichever team has the most collective points at the end wins.

directions_run Playing
Rules - What are the rules to play Infiniball?

There are four areas divided into threes that start from the scoring hoop and branch outwards. One member from each team goes to one of the areas farthest from the hoop so it becomes a 4v4 with a single ball dispensed between them. The players then have 10 minutes to score the most points they can by shooting the ball into the ring at the center of the coliseum. At the end, the 3 with the most points advance. Those players then advance to the middle most playing area, where they have 7 minutes and double points. Again, the top 2 players advance to the third area. They have 5 minutes, and triple points. Finally, 1 player from each of the four playing areas advances to the final playing area that is located directly under the hoop, so it again becomes a 4v4. They have 10 minutes again, and quadruple points. At the end of each round, if two or more players have the same amount of points, only those people will continue to play and whoever gets the next point advances.

Game time - How long does a game of Infiniball take?

The game has a total of 32 game time minutes. First round is 10 minutes, second is 7, third is 5, and the fourth and final round is also 10 minutes. There is a five minute break between the first three rounds, and a 15 minute break between the third and fourth.

Positions - What positions do players of Infiniball play?

No specific positions, but players are put together based on size and strength due to some species being more naturally strong or agile than others.

Common injuries - How are players of Infiniball most commonly injured? What risks are there?

The game does get quite physical due to it being essentially a free-for-all to get the ball. Players can get bones broken, strained muscles, and definitely bruised.

Most important muscles - What muscles are most important to play Infiniball well?

Can depend on the player, as it doesn't matter how they get the ball in the hoop so long as it makes it. They can throw it, kick it, headbutt it, whatever they need to to make it in. Some players prefer to have stronger upper bodies, while others prefer to be more lean and focus on leg strength.

group Culture
Uniforms - What do the uniforms of Infiniball look like?

Players are given guidelines for what protective equipment they should have. Shoulder pads, chest plates, hip garters, and knee and elbow covers are the most common to see. Other than that, players are free to have their uniforms look however they want. The only restriction is that it does need to be obvious that certain players are on the same team, whether that is team name, color, or a matching logo.

Popularity - How popular is Infiniball?

Most popular in Ulsurtur due to it originating there and being the country sport, but is found worldwide.

Players - Who plays Infiniball?

Artan Hephroth Elnan, Rhaca Goris, Cole Ire, Finn Tydial all play the sport at a certain point.

history History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This sport was created by Cap on

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