info Overview
Name - What is Kandit named?


Description - How would you describe Kandit's people?

A humanoid cat-bird species, known for being the fastest race.

Other names - What other names do Kandit have?

The Griffins

face Looks
Body shape - What does the average Kandit body shape look like?

Body shapes differ from each individual but it's common to see tall, study people.

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Kandit race?

Most kandits have a golden brown color to their skin

General height - How tall is the average Kandit?

Generally the average height is around 6'

General weight - How heavy is the average Kandit?

Differs from kandit to kandit

Notable features - What physical features on a Kandit are most noticeable?

Kandits have large cat-like ears, a large, flat nose, golden eyes, medium to large sized wings, long cat legs, a long and thin tail, and some have horns on top of their head.

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Kandit race?

Most kandits are tall and somewhat thin, as they are built for speed, but it's not rare to see different body types.

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Kandit individuals?

They wear loose fitting shirts that accommodate their wings and tight pants that don't restrict their movements.


Erorid: These kandits are more of a reserved bunch. They are great climbers and like to hang out in the tops of trees. They're known for their amazing eyesight, able to see miles ahead with clear vision. Their wings are much smaller and don't allow them to fully fly but instead glide for long distances depending on how high up they are.

Raulpul: These kandits prefer to stay in mountainous regions or somewhere else high up. Their wings are very large and perfect for flying, even able to go up to great elevations without anything happening. Since they like to stay at high altitudes, they are not seen that often. While their other kandit brethren like to run and are built for speed, these kandits spend a lot of time in the air and can get to the same or faster speed while flying.

Codamite: Still gifted with amazing speed, these kandits are also designed for ramming, with their large, thick horns on top of their head. If given enough speed, they can even break through a solid wall. They like hanging out in flat land areas that are wide and open, perfect for running. Like erorid's, their wings are small and only allow them to glide, but codamites don't do this often, since they prefer to run.

fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of Kandit?

Flying, running, sight, climbing.

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Kandit?

Not overly durable or immune to anything special. Bad weather can impair their flying and running. Their senses can get overwhelmed.


Kandit's are made to be durable and don't fatigue easily. They all have high stamina and can continue to go through daily life for days. However, this means that when they do start to come down, they come down hard and will need a whole day if not a week to recover.

groups Culture
Traditions - What traditions are common with Kandit's individuals?

There is a festival held every year in which many top athletic Kandits participate in. There are usually competitions for fastest both at running and flying, smashing through the toughest barriers, gliding longest distance, and so on. It started as a competition for the top 3 Kandits but has since grown into an almost festival like event with many other races and species coming to watch. Booths are even set up to purchase traditional Kandit adornments such as head garbs, rings, feather accessories, etc. and traditional Kandit food. The whole event lasts 3 days, one champion for each species being chosen for each day.

Governments - What governments are common with the Kandit?

Typically found in tripes with one to five chieftains, depending on the size of the group.

Technologies - What kinds of technologies do the Kandit societies take advantage of?

Many Kandit societies that live in the mountainous and treetop regions take advantage of carts connected to wires that connect to multiple locations that is easier for them to transport some of their more heavier essentials.

Occupations - What occupations are common with Kandit individuals?

Due to their speed, many Kandits are suitable for delivery occupations to get the item to it's destination in a timely matter.

Favorite foods - What are the most common favorite foods of the Kandit?

Traditional Kandit food is usually smoked or made into a soup. Something that can last for days and still be good over time is common to see in Kandit households.

date_range History
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