info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Five Nations

Genre - What genre best describes The Five Nations?


Description - How would you describe The Five Nations?

Continent made up of 5 separate nations; Faralia, Falthra, Kvar, Arribea, and Stahlvenia.

book History
gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Five Nations?

There are 3 types of magic in the five nations:
Dreaming - the most common type. The ability to collectively lucid dream
Seeking- Astral projection
Magic Keeping
According to legend, magic used to be more widespread but when the gods saw how the people where abusing their powers they took them away. Society began to collapse, as the people had become dependent on their magic and didn't know how to function without it. To compromise, the gods let one trusted individual from each nation have magic. These people would become the first magic keepers.

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
8 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Calidor Supporting character, [[Character-728513]] 's older brother
group Ravina
group Milo
group Garzlan
group Savona supporting character
group Taven Side Character
group Farlokh Supporting Character. One of @Keyla's good friends
group Keyla Protagonist

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Arribea Arribea is the largest of the Five Nations. Widely known for their powerful military, the nation of Arribea is a force to be reckoned with.

5 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Falthra
flag Kvar
flag Faralia Comprised mostly of vast deserts, Faralia is the smallest of the five nations.
flag Arribea Largest of the five nations
flag Stahlvenia

2 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Joralai Falthran Goddess of magic
ac_unit Kovanlai Falthran God of the earth

1 job reorder
work Jobs close
work Magic Keeper Representative The Magic Keeper Rep is someone who the King consults in order to make decisions on behalf of a fallen Magic Keeper.

3 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Seeking While most people are unable to separate their souls from their body, a Seeker is someone who can do this. This ability allows them to essentially be in two places at once.
flash_on Magic Keeping A powerful, but rare magic possessed by only 10 people at any given time.
flash_on Dreaming Collective lucid dreaming

3 races reorder
face Races close
face Falthrans People inhabiting the nation of Falthra
face Arribeans
face Faralians The Faralians are citizens of the nation of Faralia. They are known for being a very peaceful and welcoming people.

2 religions reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Falthran Religion Religion practiced in the [[Country-9832]]
brightness_7 Faralian Religion Religion practiced in [[Country-10529]]

1 town reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Degrabat Capital City of Falthra

2 traditions reorder
today Traditions close
today Battlestones Battlestones are beads that are given out to someone whenever they display a positive trait. Most Arribeans receive their first stone on their thirteenth birthday. After that, the beads are given o...
today Celebration of Magic A celebration that commemorates the achievements of the magic keepers

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