info Overview
Name - What is Celebration of Magic named?

Celebration of Magic

Description - How would you describe Celebration of Magic?

A celebration that commemorates the achievements of the magic keepers

Type of tradition - What kind of tradition is Celebration of Magic?

Annual celebration

track_changes Observance
Countries - What countries celebrate Celebration of Magic?

All 5 of the 5 Nations celebrate this tradition. Each nation celebrates it on the birthday of the first Magic Keeper from their nation, so the date differs from nation to nation.

Date(s) - When does Celebration of Magic happen?

Falthra: Nov 1
Forania: July 22
Camar: March 9
Arribea: January 20
Stahlvenia: May 16

flare Celebrations
Food - What food is common during Celebration of Magic?

Big feasts are common, regardless of where the celebration is held.

Activities - What activities are common when celebrating Celebration of Magic?

  • Storytelling (specifically stories that portray Magic Keepers in a positive light. Stories tend to focus on acts of heroism).
    -Parades (esp. in larger cities, and cities where Magic Keepers are currently residing).

  • Items are often placed in windows that bear special significance to each country
    Falthra: Two lit candles to represent each magic keeper
    Forania: A dish of sand to represent the first magic keeper protecting their land. Gifts are often set on top or next to these dishes and are meant for the magic keepers.
    Arribea: A weapon (or weapons) to represent the protection that the magic keepers provide.

Nation specific activities:
Falthra: Stories are often told around two separate fires (One fire to represent each magic keeper. Larger cities will often have fires going in multiple locations).
Forania: By midnight if the gifts set out have not been claimed by a Magic Keeper (which is often the case since there's only ever 2 Magic Keepers from any nation) then the citizens will remove the gifts and trade them among other citizens. It's mostly Foranian children who participate in this activity, and is almost always done wearing a disguise.

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes

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