info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Arribea?

Largest of the five nations

location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Currency - What currency is used in Arribea?


terrain Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Arribea?

Cold, mountainous.

timeline History
Founding story - How was Arribea founded?

According to legend, a large parcel of land now known as the Five Nations was given five brothers. The land was divided into five plots, the largest one being Arribea. Because of its size and it's mountainous geography, Arribea was highly coveted. The two eldest brothers fought over it, eventually deciding to settle it with a duel. The oldest brother won and claimed the land that became known as Arribea.
The other brother went on to found Stahlvenia, and in their version, the older brother cheated in order to win the land.

history Changelog
edit Notes

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