info Overview
Name - What is Warren Norrington’s full name?

Warren Norrington

Role - What is Warren Norrington’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Warren Norrington go by?

Patriarch of the Norrington family

Gender - What is Warren Norrington’s gender?


Age - How old is Warren Norrington?

61 (By Under Pressure)
65 (By Under Siege)
67 (By Under World)
77 (By the epilogue of Under World)

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Warren Norrington’s hair?

Sandy Blonde

Hair Style - How does Warren Norrington style their hair?

Bruised Back

Eye Color - What is Warren Norrington’s eye color?

Pale Blue

Race - What is Warren Norrington’s race?

Human Witch [formerly]

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Occupation - What is Warren Norrington’s occupation?

Egyptologist [formerly]
Witch [formerly]

date_range History
Background - What is Warren Norrington’s background?

Warren Norrington is a former black mage turned demon created by @ferjorlas (Instagram)

He is the head, patriarch, and first member of the Norrington family of witches. With a surprisingly calm, soft-spoken and well-mannered look, he is the main antagonist of Norrington's Desire: Under Pressure.

Warren is the father of twins Emma Norrington, Jr. and Kiara Norrington with his late wife, and also the creator of Medea Norrington.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
flash_on Powers/Abilities
Main Powers/Abilities

Warren will never age, and as a result, he will stay young forever or at least never will suffer the ravages of ageing. Because of this, Warren will always be at his physical prime, since demons, as torturers, always need to be "healthy".

After becoming a demon, Warren's human body became a vessel, so he had to possess himself again.

After being fully developed by Warren, Sokar has the ability to control everything in his dimension; anything that is bonded to that dimension is at his disposal; and the only limit to what he can alter is his own imagination. As a result, Sokar ranks among the top demons in the Underworld hierarchy, if not the highest demonic entity among them.

Warren has the ability to produce many Sokar visions that may be aimed towards different targets. These images frequently assume the identity of the demon and rarely, the human, and they usually initially appear trying to emulate an attack to its target. It has been shown that Sokar has some control over who is permitted to witness these visions and who is not.

Since Sokar was still being developed at the time, Warren largely utilized this to speak with and torture Medea and The V7D because it would have been risky for him to confront them while the demon was still in progress.

sports_kabaddi Family
Main Family

Emma Norrington [Late wife]
Aleister Winchester [Lover/Boy Toy]
Emma Norrington, Jr. and Kiara Norrington [Twin Daughters]
Medea Norrington [Creation]

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This character was created by Robin Blade on

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