info Overview
Name - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s full name?

Dr. Amelia Marek

Role - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s role in your story?

Jesse's mother, a charming but judgmental dermatologist.

Other names - What other aliases does Dr. Amelia Marek go by?

Millie, to her parents and siblings.

Age - How old is Dr. Amelia Marek?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dr. Amelia Marek have?

Often fake smiles: will act polite and accommodating, but with clear disdain behind her eyes. Excellent posture and elegant movements. Never speaks with filler words. When asked where she got an outfit, she will always whisper the answer, in case any Poors are listening (or in case the answer is Target).

Motivations - What motivates Dr. Amelia Marek most?

Being aspirational for others, being better than others.

Flaws - What flaws does Dr. Amelia Marek have?

Judgmental, Materialistic, Insincere

Talents - What talents does Dr. Amelia Marek have?

She has preternatural social skills and is very good at wielding influence over others. She is also generally good at recognizing patterns. And, y'know, testing people for skin cancer and administering microdermabrasion and stuff.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dr. Amelia Marek have?

Sipping cocktails by the country club pool with her friends, gossiping, humblebragging on Facebook

Personality type - What personality type is Dr. Amelia Marek?

ENTJ 3w4

Zodiac Sign



Being unremarkable or unsightly in any way

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Dr. Amelia Marek practice?

Presbyterian when she needs to be.

Politics - What politics does Dr. Amelia Marek have?

"Socially liberal, fiscally conservative."

Occupation - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s favorite food?

Shrimp ceviche

Favorite possession - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s favorite possession?

Her 7 carat diamond platinum engagement ring.

Favorite animal - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s favorite animal?

Well-behaved dogs.

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Dr. Amelia Marek weigh?

135 lbs

Height - How tall is Dr. Amelia Marek?


Hair Color - What color is Dr. Amelia Marek’s hair?

Brown with subtle blonde highlights

Hair Style - How does Dr. Amelia Marek style their hair?

Shoulder-length, straight, well-kept bob

Eye Color - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s eye color?


Race - What is Dr. Amelia Marek’s race?

Splintered Dryad (Almond)

Skin Tone

Fair to tan, incredibly smooth complexion

Body Type

Fit and thin

Kibbe Type

Soft Dramatic

Color Season

Clear Spring

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looks Random
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edit Notes
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