info Overview
Name - What is Benjamin Marek’s full name?

Benjamin Marek

Role - What is Benjamin Marek’s role in your story?

Jesse's younger brother, an aloof teenager who is dead-set on studying business someday.

Other names - What other aliases does Benjamin Marek go by?


Age - How old is Benjamin Marek?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Benjamin Marek have?

Reserved and snarky. Hardly ever speaks unless spoken to, hardly ever listening when his family or authority figures are talking, and nearly always on an electronic device of some kind. Rolls his eyes and scoffs often. His go-to insults are "pussy" and a lot of words that I don't say.

Motivations - What motivates Benjamin Marek most?

Doing what he wants to do when he wants to do it, and avoiding any kind of orders.

Flaws - What flaws does Benjamin Marek have?

Asocial, petulant, oppositional

Talents - What talents does Benjamin Marek have?

Very good at video games, especially first person shooters. Tactless enough that he is good at giving honest criticism (though he isn't generally 'honest').

Hobbies - What hobbies does Benjamin Marek have?

Gaming (PC, Xbox, Playstation, Switch, anything: He has just about every significant platform), iFunny

Personality type - What personality type is Benjamin Marek?

INTJ 5w4

Zodiac Sign



Having to do stuff he doesn't want to do, amusement parks, talking to girls

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Benjamin Marek practice?


Politics - What politics does Benjamin Marek have?

Conservative (primarily because he dislikes "liberals")

Occupation - What is Benjamin Marek’s occupation?

10th Grader

Favorite color - What is Benjamin Marek’s favorite color?

Black and dark blue

Favorite food - What is Benjamin Marek’s favorite food?

Chicken Top Ramen with extra salt and garlic powder.

Favorite possession - What is Benjamin Marek’s favorite possession?

His SteelSeries headset or his Secretlab chair.

Favorite animal - What is Benjamin Marek’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Benjamin Marek weigh?

165 lbs

Height - How tall is Benjamin Marek?


Hair Color - What color is Benjamin Marek’s hair?

Dirty blonde

Hair Style - How does Benjamin Marek style their hair?

Fairly straight, flat, grown-out, and messy.

Eye Color - What is Benjamin Marek’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Stocky (compared to his siblings, anyway)

Kibbe Type

Soft Natural

Color Season

Light Spring

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edit Notes
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This character was created by charlotte on

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