info Overview
Name - What is Samantha Marek’s full name?

Samantha Marek

Role - What is Samantha Marek’s role in your story?

Jesse's teenage sister, a laid-back tomboy with good grades and a penchant for drawing anime.

Other names - What other aliases does Samantha Marek go by?

Sam (she almost exclusively goes by Sam)

Age - How old is Samantha Marek?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Samantha Marek have?

Typically very bright and present, but relaxed. Walks and talks quickly.

Motivations - What motivates Samantha Marek most?

Having fun, producing and accomplishing things she can be proud of.

Flaws - What flaws does Samantha Marek have?

Blunt, cocky, easily bored

Talents - What talents does Samantha Marek have?

She's very good at drawing and painting, and very athletic.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Samantha Marek have?

Making art, playing sports, playing video games. Modestly TikTok famous (what, like it's hard?)

Personality type - What personality type is Samantha Marek?

ISTP 1w9

Zodiac Sign



Tight spaces

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Samantha Marek practice?


Politics - What politics does Samantha Marek have?

She doesn't know much about politics, but left-leaning.

Occupation - What is Samantha Marek’s occupation?

8th grader

Favorite color - What is Samantha Marek’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Samantha Marek’s favorite food?

French fries

Favorite possession - What is Samantha Marek’s favorite possession?

Her acrylic paints and her rollerskates.

Favorite animal - What is Samantha Marek’s favorite animal?

Dogs and reptiles. She has her own leopard gecko named Gary (after Gary from Spongebob)

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Samantha Marek weigh?

115 lbs

Height - How tall is Samantha Marek?


Hair Color - What color is Samantha Marek’s hair?

Light brown

Hair Style - How does Samantha Marek style their hair?

Long, slightly wavy

Eye Color - What is Samantha Marek’s eye color?


Body Type

Thin, narrow

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Samantha Marek have?


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looks Random
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Samantha Marek

Character chevron_right Children link linked Samantha Marek

This character was created by charlotte on

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