info Overview
Name - What is Alexander Marek’s full name?

Alexander Marek

Role - What is Alexander Marek’s role in your story?

Jesse's older brother, a medical student at Cornell.

Other names - What other aliases does Alexander Marek go by?

Alex, Al (to his parents)

Age - How old is Alexander Marek?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alexander Marek have?

Relatively quiet, serious, and reserved. Doesn't get into arguments or fights; largely keeps his head down and defaults to obedience. Rarely fidgets or tics, but can nearly always be seen looking at his phone in idle moments.

Motivations - What motivates Alexander Marek most?

Becoming a doctor, making his parents proud.

Flaws - What flaws does Alexander Marek have?

Complacent, uncreative, inflexible

Talents - What talents does Alexander Marek have?

He's inclined towards math and science, and presents well in interviews and formal settings.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alexander Marek have?

Playing video games, going to concerts.

Personality type - What personality type is Alexander Marek?

ISTJ 6w5



Zodiac Sign



Living an uncomfortable life, living beneath his means (or the means he's used to)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Alexander Marek practice?

Vaguely protestant.

Politics - What politics does Alexander Marek have?

Liberal, but not particularly progressive.

Occupation - What is Alexander Marek’s occupation?

Medical Student

Favorite color - What is Alexander Marek’s favorite color?

Charcoal gray

Favorite food - What is Alexander Marek’s favorite food?

Roasted chicken

Favorite possession - What is Alexander Marek’s favorite possession?

The leather recliner he has in his apartment. It's so nice.

Favorite animal - What is Alexander Marek’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Alexander Marek weigh?

155 lbs

Height - How tall is Alexander Marek?


Hair Color - What color is Alexander Marek’s hair?

Dirty blonde

Hair Style - How does Alexander Marek style their hair?

Short to mid-length, typically pushed or slicked back. Straight and shiny.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alexander Marek have?

Has very light stubble when he misses a day of shaving (i.e, it's clear that he could grow a beard if he tried, whereas his brothers couldn't)

Eye Color - What is Alexander Marek’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lanky, narrow features overall

Kibbe Type


Color Season

Soft Summer

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