info Overview
Name - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s full name?

Cherry Fitzroy

Role - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s role in your story?

Page's late mother, and the youngest Maplewood dryad.

Age - How old is Cherry Fitzroy?

Died at 24

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cherry Fitzroy have?

Spritely and animated. Had a wide variety of facial expressions. Often spoke with her hands.

Motivations - What motivates Cherry Fitzroy most?

Curiosity, wanderlust, and love.

Flaws - What flaws does Cherry Fitzroy have?

Short-sighted, guileless, naïve

Talents - What talents does Cherry Fitzroy have?

Poetry was her true passion; she could write and recite it beautifully. She also had a fantastic singing voice, a quality she shared with Laurel and Lark.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cherry Fitzroy have?

Reading, writing, painting

Personality type - What personality type is Cherry Fitzroy?

ENFP 7w8

Zodiac Sign

Aquarius, technically


To quote Eowyn, "a cage."

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Cherry Fitzroy practice?


Politics - What politics does Cherry Fitzroy have?


Occupation - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s occupation?

English Teacher

Favorite color - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s favorite food?

Paneer tikka masala (her first home in Camden with Sean was down the road from the best and only Indian restaurant she'd ever been to).

Favorite possession - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s favorite possession?

The enchanted, undying flower crown her mother and sisters made her for her wedding, with blossoms and berries from all of their trees.

Favorite animal - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Cherry Fitzroy weigh?

180 lbs

Height - How tall is Cherry Fitzroy?

5'9" as a woman, 15 feet as a tree.

Hair Color - What color is Cherry Fitzroy’s hair?

Warm dark brown

Hair Style - How does Cherry Fitzroy style their hair?

Curly, waist-length

Eye Color - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s eye color?


Race - What is Cherry Fitzroy’s race?

Half-dryad (Kwanzan Cherry)

Skin Tone

Medium tawny

Body Type

Athletic hourglass figure (dryads in human form have very dense muscle, making them heavier than they look)

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cherry Fitzroy have?

Often wore pink lipgloss.

Kibbe Type

Soft Dramatic

Color Season

Warm Autumn

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looks Random
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes

Faceclaim is Kajol

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This character was created by charlotte on

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