info Overview
Name - What is Magnolia’s full name?


Role - What is Magnolia’s role in your story?

Originally a Maplewood dryad, she now lives in Birchwood with her lover Dogwood.

Age - How old is Magnolia?

Nearly 200

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Magnolia have?

Very graceful and elegant. Moves like she's walking on air. Exudes a calming, romantic aura.

Motivations - What motivates Magnolia most?

Her love for her wife, her sisters and sisters-in-law, and the creatures of the woods, and her appreciation for beauty.

Flaws - What flaws does Magnolia have?

Frail, irresolute, inscrutable

Talents - What talents does Magnolia have?

She has a beautiful voice, and is good at most artistic endeavors.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Magnolia have?

Singing and playing the harp, weaving flower chains, forging jewelry

Personality type - What personality type is Magnolia?

ISFP 1w9

Zodiac Sign

Pisces, technically


The death (or even merely desolation) of the woods.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Magnolia practice?

Spiritual in the same vein as Maple.

Politics - What politics does Magnolia have?

Doesn't engage with human politics, but appreciates the communal living style of the Green Mountain dryads.

Occupation - What is Magnolia’s occupation?

Archwife of Birchwood

Favorite color - What is Magnolia’s favorite color?

Pale pink, dusty violet

Favorite food - What is Magnolia’s favorite food?

Apple cider

Favorite possession - What is Magnolia’s favorite possession?

The silver ring that Dogwood gave her.

Favorite animal - What is Magnolia’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Magnolia weigh?

170 lbs

Height - How tall is Magnolia?

As a woman, 5'11. As a tree, 70 feet.

Hair Color - What color is Magnolia’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Magnolia style their hair?

Longer afro style with slight fringe

Eye Color - What is Magnolia’s eye color?

Brown, thick lashes

Race - What is Magnolia’s race?

Dryad (Centennial Magnolia)

Skin Tone

Light brown

Body Type

Wiry, willowy (but in a magnolia-y way, because willow's not the type of tree she is babey)

Kibbe Type

Ethereal Dramatic

Color Season

Cool Summer

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edit Notes
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