info Overview
Name - What is Dr. Jules Devine’s full name?

Dr. Jules Devine

Role - What is Dr. Jules Devine’s role in your story?

The eccentric president of Ames College, in addition to being a powerful, power-hungry, and quietly ruthless mage.

Other names - What other aliases does Dr. Jules Devine go by?

Uncle Jules (to Darcy and Lachlan)
"Dr. Pres" (to his favorite peers and students)

Age - How old is Dr. Jules Devine?

77 (appears around 50, as mages have a higher life expectancy than ordinary humans)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dr. Jules Devine have?

He has a very imposing posture; the way that he carries himself makes him seem taller than he is. He nearly always emotes subtly, and his smiles are often inscrutable smirks. He will stroke his beard when he's deep in thought (and frankly, what's the point in having a beard if you don't?).

Motivations - What motivates Dr. Jules Devine most?

Once, it was a desire to prove himself and a thirst for knowledge. As he's deteriorated, he is motivated chiefly by revenge and power.

Flaws - What flaws does Dr. Jules Devine have?

Vindictive, jealous, controlling

Talents - What talents does Dr. Jules Devine have?

He is an extremely talented mage (though not as talented as his late sister Phaedra).

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dr. Jules Devine have?

He used to like listening to music and playing the piano. He doesn't take much time for leisure now.

Personality type - What personality type is Dr. Jules Devine?

INFJ 8w9

Zodiac Sign



Rejection, losing, dying with no legacy

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Dr. Jules Devine practice?


Politics - What politics does Dr. Jules Devine have?

He doesn't concern himself with politics, but for the sake of his school's image, he espouses social liberalism.

Occupation - What is Dr. Jules Devine’s occupation?

President of Ames College, Archmage of the Devine Family

Favorite color - What is Dr. Jules Devine’s favorite color?

Royal blue

Favorite food - What is Dr. Jules Devine’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Dr. Jules Devine’s favorite possession?

The jade pendant he took from Magnolia years ago.

Favorite animal - What is Dr. Jules Devine’s favorite animal?

Songbirds of any kind

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Dr. Jules Devine weigh?

180 lbs

Height - How tall is Dr. Jules Devine?


Hair Color - What color is Dr. Jules Devine’s hair?

Dark salt and pepper

Hair Style - How does Dr. Jules Devine style their hair?

Short, wavy, usually meticulously groomed and slicked back

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dr. Jules Devine have?

Short manicured beard, with a thicker and more prominent mustache

Eye Color - What is Dr. Jules Devine’s eye color?

Icy blue

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Dr. Jules Devine have?

Very straight, white teeth. Dresses lavishly. Oblong face

Kibbe Type

Dramatic Classic

Color Season

Cool Winter

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looks Random
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edit Notes
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