info Overview
Name - What is the name of Ames College Board of Trustees?

Ames College Board of Trustees

Description - How would you describe the Ames College Board of Trustees group?

The senior decision-making body of Ames College.

call_split Hierarchy
list Members
Other Members

Larry Ashley (father of Elizabeth Ashley), Isolde and Arnie Gladwyn (heads of the Gladwyn magic family), Maylis Marvelli (a mage and a friend of Hemlockwood), and others.

location_on Locations
business Purpose
Motivations - What motivates Ames College Board of Trustees?

The different members of the board have a variety of motivations, but a good majority of its members are magical and interested in protecting the interests of the college's magical students and population. They only hired non-magical (or presumed non-magical) members when pressed to do so.

Goals - What is the primary goal of Ames College Board of Trustees?

To govern and manage Ames College.

thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
edit Notes

This group was created by charlotte on

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