info Overview
Name - What is Diana Hawthorne’s full name?

Diana Hawthorne

Role - What is Diana Hawthorne’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Diana Hawthorne’s gender?


Age - How old is Diana Hawthorne?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Diana Hawthorne?


Weight - How much does Diana Hawthorne weigh?

146 pounds

Race - What is Diana Hawthorne’s race?

Blood Angel

date_range History
Birthday - When is Diana Hawthorne’s birthday?

February 20th, 923

Background - What is Diana Hawthorne’s background?

Diana was born to a tiefling mother in the Defier Islands but the woman quickly left when she realized her daughter was more than just a tiefling. She headed for the small town of Inalo shortly after Diana was born and stayed in a small village there hoping to live a peaceful life. The villagers, however, were already skeptical of outsiders and were quick to blame mother and child for anything that befell them.

When Diana was four her mother became ill and passed away, and the villagers would have run her out save for a village elder that believed a child was free of sin and even if Diana's mother had been to blame surely the four year old was not. She was well respected through the village so no one opposed her keeping and raising Diana herself.

However, the peace was not to last. The woman was old indeed, and forgetful sometimes, and one night she simply forgot to put out the fire in her hearth before nodding off to sleep. Not knowing any better the then six year old Diana tried to stoke the fire and ended up spreading a few embers around that caught on other parts and set the house ablaze. Diana escaped, but the villagers were quick to blame her once more and chased her out for good. With no where else to go Diana fled into the nearby forest for safety, having the awareness that the adults were angry with her and attempting to hide from them as best she could.

The forest welcomed her. Diana's natural magical talent formed a creature to protect and raise her, a large dog-like creature that called itself Ravager. He showed her how to find food and water, helped to shelter her, and generally kept her safe. Diana was raised in the safety of the forest and would have been fully content to stay there, but Ravager knew better. She needed other humanoids, and needed to know what was going on elsewhere in the world. As an adult Ravager led Diana to another town and helped guide her through the social interaction despite how strangely she was looked upon. Diana really hated it, but she understood where Ravager was coming from upon seeing a humanoid village for the first time. She went back now and again, mostly when she needed things, and quickly became known as a local witch living in the forest that people could go to when they needed something. Many brought her offerings in exchange for healing, a process made easier by her inborn magical talent and knowledge of all the plants and such in the local area.

Eventually Diana was forced to leave the forest. The growing world as a whole made staying there difficult, and the villagers who once revered her started to grow suspicious of her practices. Fearing another incident like her barely remembered childhood, Diana decided to pack up and travel. In time she found herself returning to the Defier Islands, the city's lax laws making it the perfect place to call home as no one batted an eyelash at her since she was far from the strangest creature to walk among them even with Ravager at her side.

It was there that Diana began to make her way in the world. At first she did odd jobs around the city, working her way into wealth that allowed her to buy a manor and then connect to the city's network that stretched out into the entire world. With the money she gained offering information to that network she opened a home to help children who suffered as she had so much in her youth; those whose magic had manifested in ways that made them outcasts and could be dangerous if that magic was not brought under control. Behind the scenes her operation also helps noble children who do not want their noble lives - those who wish simply to exist outside their upbringings, or who are in danger because of it for one reason or another. No matter what the circumstance, however, Diana's goals are simple; help these children learn how to master themselves, and learn practical skills that they are good at and interested in so that they can obtain jobs and begin to make their own way in the world. In her time she's helped dozens of kids, each one leaving an impression on her and changing her in ways she will never forget just as they do not forget how much she had changed their lives.

More recently she has gained some help from a leonin named Fang. He was part of an adventuring group working under Paul Clemond that happened across her and her operations, and they grew to know one another. In the wake of the death of The Sovereign Galen he returned to her, retiring from his life as a paladin for it. Diana is happy to have some assistance, of course, and more than that she loves him and just wants to see him happy - even if that means some day he might feel the need to take up the mantle of a paladin and leave her once more.

device_hub Family
edit Notes


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