info Overview
Name - What is Skye Havens’s full name?

Skye Havens

Other names - What other aliases does Skye Havens go by?


Role - What is Skye Havens’s role in your story?

Supporting character

Age - How old is Skye Havens?

Biologically: 17
Chronologically: 120

Gender - What is Skye Havens’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Skye Havens have?


Hair Style - How does Skye Havens style their hair?

Braided, or loose

Hair Color - What color is Skye Havens’s hair?

Platinum blonde

Height - How tall is Skye Havens?

Around 5'6", maybe 5'8"

Weight - How much does Skye Havens weigh?

Not a lot, for her height

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Skye Havens have?

Scar on left arm going from wrist to elbow

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Skye Havens’s race?


Eye Color - What is Skye Havens’s eye color?

Color of the sky in midwinter

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Skye Havens have?

Stubborn; suspicious; guarded;

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Skye Havens have?

Loud; smiley;

Motivations - What motivates Skye Havens most?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Skye Havens have?

doesn't like strangers, she has no real reason not to, she just doesn't; doesn't like change;

Talents - What talents does Skye Havens have?

Flying; wind element; being quiet; memorizing things quickly; singing;

Hobbies - What hobbies does Skye Havens have?

Flying/exploring; singing;

Personality type - What personality type is Skye Havens?

Adventurer; brave; has no problem with confronting someone; smiles a lot, for multitude of reasons; stubborn; suspicious, especially of strangers; can be very guarded, though she isn't as guarded as she used to be;

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Skye Havens’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Skye Havens’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite possession - What is Skye Havens’s favorite possession?

Necklace with a charm inside that shows/reflects/mirrors the sky above

Favorite food - What is Skye Havens’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Skye Havens’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Skye Havens have?


Religion - What religion does Skye Havens practice?


Favorite animal - What is Skye Havens’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Skye Havens’s birthday?

May 17, 1706

Background - What is Skye Havens’s background?

Skye was born to parents of an elemental line, and was raised learning her ability alongside of Avani, Kindle, and Tempest. She loved to use the wind to levitate herself off the ground, and fly. She especially loved the clouds, as no one else could get up there, or sit on them as she can. Kindle's younger brother, Merk, thought her name was Ski, and for ever after he called her that, even after he knew her actual name. As she grew older, the other elementals grew to be her best friends. Soon, they moved out of the elemental complex, to the towers. They voted Avani, the most level-headed of the group, as leader. When they were 15, a young girl of 13 turned up on Kindle and Tempest's doorstep, introducing herself as Raven Archori. Raven said she needed their help. Skye wasn't sure if Raven even truly needed their help, but she, like the others, left the decision up to Avani. After a few weeks, Avani told the girl no, they wouldn't help her. The reason Av gave was simply it wasn't the elementals business, which Skye agreed with. Raven left, with an ominous warning. Two years later, she returned, freezing them all in time. Skye was furious, and swore that when they got out, they would kill Ravenna. However, they have not been able to find a way out, and have been stuck in the towers, training.

Education - What is Skye Havens’s level of education?

Full education, though outdated by now

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Skye Havens have?

A small bird she has named Twit, as he is 1, very pretentious, and 2, it's short for Twitter.

history Changelog
edit Notes
whatshot Magic

Elemental, wind/air

Why they have it

Inherited it.

Length of time they've had it/Known about it

All her life

comment Quotes/Poems/Etc
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