info Overview
Name - What is Avani Jaearto’s full name?

Avani Jaearto

Other names - What other aliases does Avani Jaearto go by?

Av; AJ; Little Quake;

Role - What is Avani Jaearto’s role in your story?

Supporting character

Age - How old is Avani Jaearto?

Biologically: 17
Chronologically: roughly 120

Gender - What is Avani Jaearto’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Avani Jaearto have?


Hair Style - How does Avani Jaearto style their hair?


Hair Color - What color is Avani Jaearto’s hair?

Dark brown with a slight reddish tint

Weight - How much does Avani Jaearto weigh?

Not a lot, she isn't built big

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Avani Jaearto have?

Freckles, lopsided smile

Body Type


Skin Tone

Light brown

Race - What is Avani Jaearto’s race?


Eye Color - What is Avani Jaearto’s eye color?

Grass green

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Avani Jaearto have?

Has too much compassion for others, but at the same time can be too harsh; bossy; perfectionist;

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Avani Jaearto have?

Happy; bossy; leader; gentle;

Motivations - What motivates Avani Jaearto most?

Love for family/friends;

Prejudices - What prejudices does Avani Jaearto have?

Distrustful of strangers, because of what happened with Raven/Ravenna; thinks standard magic a less noble type;

Talents - What talents does Avani Jaearto have?

Earth element; drawing; fighting (hand combat);

Hobbies - What hobbies does Avani Jaearto have?

Drawing; practicing her abilities;

Personality type - What personality type is Avani Jaearto?

Happy; bossy/leader/commanding; gentle to nearly everyone, but with an iron will when push comes to shove; very compassionate when she can be; would love to not have to be the leader, but she knows she is, and accepts it;

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Avani Jaearto’s favorite color?

The color of grass after rain

Favorite weapon - What is Avani Jaearto’s favorite weapon?

Her own body, but when she needs a normal weapon, she uses a warhammer

Favorite food - What is Avani Jaearto’s favorite food?

Gish: a type of food her mother used to make, from her father's home land

Occupation - What is Avani Jaearto’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Avani Jaearto have?


Religion - What religion does Avani Jaearto practice?

Agnostic, because she doesn't believe there could be a god that would let what has happened happen (if that makes sense)

Favorite animal - What is Avani Jaearto’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Avani Jaearto’s birthday?

February 15, 1706

Background - What is Avani Jaearto’s background?

Avani was born to parents who, though not elementals themselves, were descended from, and raised by, elementals, and she was born at the ancient elemental complex, where most families of strong elemental bloodlines stay, to help train the new generation of elementals. When she was young, Avani was given the nickname of "Little Quake", because when she was angry, or throwing a temper tantrum, the earth near her would shake. As she grew up, Kindle, Tempest, and Skye, the other elementals of her generation, were her best friends. As they grew older, and learned more, they began to be, more and more, their own tight-knit group. Soon, they moved out of the complex, to their respective towers. Avani was voted the leader by the other girls, as she was the most level-headed, with an iron sense of right and wrong. Soon, though, her sense of right and wrong was challenged, when a young girl, only 13 years of age, turned up at the elementals' doorstep, and poured out a story of tragedy and woe. She was Raven Archori, the lost princess. She had learned a bit of standard magic, and was exceptionally strong in it. But her demands were not for help in bringing true justice, it was for revenge on those she perceived as having killed her family, and stolen her throne. The young girl was angry and vengeful, and refused to take no for an answer. Avani was also trouble by the fact that the horse the girl had ridden to the towers had died nearly immediately upon Raven's arrival. Avani, after a week or so of deliberating, turned Raven away, using the excuse of "it is not our business". Raven, furious, had cursed at them, saying they were not true elementals, unworthy of the title. Avanu and the others had been 15 at the time. Two years later, a young woman came to them. She held a staff, and was 15 years old, with long black hair and a horrible laugh. She informed them it was their turn to pay, and she placed a curse on them, causing Avani and the others to be caught, as if they were in island in the sea of time. The mountain the towers were located on became isolated, them unable to leave and no one able to enter, and they never aged, staying the same age, stuck on the mountain. The curse would be broken if a new elemental came, but Raven told them with a terrible laugh, "Don't worry. I'll make sure you stay here. Forever." A week later, the elemental complex, located a few days journey away, was destroyed, leaving no survivors.

Education - What is Avani Jaearto’s level of education?

Had a full education, though it is slightly outdated by now

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Avani Jaearto have?

No real pets, though all animals are her friends.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
whatshot Magic

Elemental, Earth

Why they have it

She was born with it, it passed down from her mother.

Length of time they've had it/Known about it

All her life

comment Quotes/Poems/Etc
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