info Overview
Name - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s full name?

Yumine Materi Excena Astraes

Age - How old is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes?

11,640 years old (equivelant to 34-40 human years)

Gender - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes go by?

Yumi, her royal highness, Empress, Aunt, Sir

Role - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s role in your story?

Main character

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s eye color?

Dark purple with a thin ring of pink around her iris

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

Occasionally she disguises herself with a bright pink handlebar mustache and puke green sideburns. This fools no one at all

Hair Style - How does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes style their hair?

She prefers to keep her hair long, straight, and plain with a hime cut. Though she will curl her hair from time to time

Hair Color - What color is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s hair?

Silver with a slight tint of pink to it

Height - How tall is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes?

6 feet, 4 1/2 inches tall

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

She has a couple tattoos, the most noticeable being on under her left eye

Body Type

Average body type, in part due to her lack of exercise over the past couple centuries, but she is still fairly thin. Her metabolism works wonders for her

Weight - How much does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes weigh?


Skin Tone

Pale grey with a dull blue-ish purple hue to her skin

Race - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s race?

Konari Eldari

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

She is a great singer. And her skill with the sword could be considered a talent, though since all eldari undergo highly intensive training in bladed combat, it's not exactly a talent to her race. Her warping and psyking abilities are unparalleled among living Eldari, however.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

In public or while carrying out her duties as Empress, she is extremely reserved, to the point of emotional void. She does coco her head slightly, like her niece. Her stare tends to be as icy as her sister's, even though she is a far kinder person than her.

Motivations - What motivates Yumine Materi Excena Astraes most?

Her duty to her people is her greatest motivator.

Flaws - What flaws does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

Arrogance- it is a rather common trait amongst her people.
She does have poor social skills, as she was relatively isolated as a child due to being the crown princess and always being given what she wanted. However, she is willing to learn and is still loved by (Most of) her people.
Also, due to her isolation, Yumi is a little naive about how things work.
Her intense loyalty to people and strict adherence to oaths (or what she considers an oath), while possibly her biggest strength, is also a big weakness. Oftentimes she can be blindsided by those whom she sees as close if they break an oath she made to others (see how earth was decimated by her sister because of her sibling's petty hatred of Jaden).

Prejudices - What prejudices does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

Like most Eldari, she has a heightened sense of superiority compared to other races. However, she is also more open and welcoming to non Eldari, given how she was raised and her belief that it is her species' duty to act as Shepard to the younger races.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

She reads. A lot. And as of late, her hobbies have expanded to visiting her new friend izanami while she is working on a super secret genetics project, as well as just chatting with the much more well endowed demon

Personality type - What personality type is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes?

Overall, she is a very reserved person, preferring to hide her emotions in front of others. Others often see her as very commanding, but in a different way from her sister. She does display numerous characteristics of the Consul type of ESFJ

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s favorite color?

Green is her favorite color. To her it seems the most... calm out of all the colors.

Favorite animal - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s favorite animal?

On pax? Has to be the scalecat. Elsewhere? It's a toss up between bunnies, cats, and something called a redclaw (animal on one of the Eldari subject worlds. Super rare animal that has a giant red claw- hence the name).

Favorite weapon - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s favorite weapon?

Her preferred weapon is a pistol. It ends fights quickly

Favorite possession - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s favorite possession?

A necklace and broach her parents gave her

Favorite food - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s occupation?

High Empress of the Eldari Empire, commander in chief of the Eldari Imperium Defense forces and the Holy Eldari Reclamation Forces

Politics - What politics does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

She is the ruler of her species' empire. I wouldn't exactly say she has politics, since what she says goes, but if she had to be labeled, I'd say progressive socialist with expansionist and militarist policies

Religion - What religion does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes practice?

She follows her species religion of Tokuli, though she is rather blasé about it. It's not that she doesn't believe in her religion, it's more that she doesn't feel it should affect everything she does

info History
Birthday - When is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s birthday?

9th day of Nulene during the beginning of the Nyxxi cycle

Education - What is Yumine Materi Excena Astraes’s level of education?

Eldari equivalent of graduate school- the Imperial Eldari Military Officer Academy

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Yumine Materi Excena Astraes have?

No pets, though she did have a pet scalecat (massive animal similar in appearance to red tegus, but with the temperament of a cat and the excitedness of a dog) when she was younger.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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