info Overview
Name - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s full name?

Katra Palomos Astris

Age - How old is Katra Palomos Astris?

13,850 years old (Equivelant to 38-43 Earth years)

Gender - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Katra Palomos Astris go by?

Katra, Mom, Duchess

Role - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s role in your story?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s eye color?

Dull pink

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Katra Palomos Astris have?

While her sister may have an utterly obnoxious fake beard, Katra used to own an extremely prim and proper gentlemen's mustache.

Hair Style - How does Katra Palomos Astris style their hair?

Very short, military cut

Hair Color - What color is Katra Palomos Astris’s hair?

Silvery white

Height - How tall is Katra Palomos Astris?

6' 6"

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Katra Palomos Astris have?

Tattoo under right eye matching her younger sister

Body Type


Weight - How much does Katra Palomos Astris weigh?

230 lbs. all muscles

Skin Tone

pale grey with a dull blue-ish purple hue to her skin

Race - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s race?

Konari Eldari

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Katra Palomos Astris have?

She was formerly one of the Eldari's best Battlefield Commanders, until she went battle crazy in a duel with Jaden and stabbed her daughter, Kena (GOOD JOB GETTING IN THE WAY THERE, KENA)

Motivations - What motivates Katra Palomos Astris most?


Flaws - What flaws does Katra Palomos Astris have?

she.. REALLY wants to kill Jaden. She is also an authoritarian and total control freak. As with most Eldari, she is fairly arrogant, but whereas her sister sees the Eldari as Shepards to younger races, Katra views the Eldari as the proper masters of the younger ones, and that those who are rightfully weaker need to be shown the Eldari's dominance.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Katra Palomos Astris have?

She is about as Speciesist as her kind comes, viewing every alien race as below the Eldari. Though on most occasions, she hides it well. most

Hobbies - What hobbies does Katra Palomos Astris have?

Trying to KILL JADEN, training the next generation of Eldari

Personality type - What personality type is Katra Palomos Astris?

Katra is an arrogant and evil bitch

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s favorite color?

mustard Yellow

Favorite animal - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s favorite animal?

She loathes animals. Which is fine, since animals dont like her

Favorite weapon - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s favorite weapon?

Her swords

Favorite possession - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s favorite possession?

Her wedding ring from her deceased husband

Favorite food - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s favorite food?

She likes cakes

Occupation - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s occupation?

Former Gaurd Captain Commander, Professional Jaden Hater, The reason Demons are even more scattered, The reason Earth looks like a hellscape in areas

Politics - What politics does Katra Palomos Astris have?

Kill Jaden, Wipe the universe of the demon mongrels. also, KILL EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE JADEN IS DISTANTLY RELATED TO

Though to be serious, She is a militant who thinks that the Ruler needs to rule with an iron fist. Only through strength will the Eldari reclaim their former glory.

Religion - What religion does Katra Palomos Astris practice?

She practices the Eldari religion of Tokuli. Though, she could be considered atheist via a self perceived abandonment by the gods. That being said, she is also extremely devout. 'The Gods may have abandoned me... But It is my duty to serve them with my life' type of thing for her

info History
Birthday - When is Katra Palomos Astris’s birthday?

1st day of Tarhc during the ending of the Eia (or Eya or Eja depending on the Eldari dialect)

Education - What is Katra Palomos Astris’s level of education?

Eldari equivalent of graduate school- the Imperial Eldari Military Officer Academy

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Katra Palomos Astris have?

No pets

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Sleeping Habits
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