info Overview
Name - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s full name?

An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris

Age - How old is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ?


Gender - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris go by?


Role - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s role in your story?

side Character (important for a specific part)

face Looks
Eye Color - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s eye color?

Bronze with purple streaks

Facial Hair - What facial hair does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris have?


Hair Style - How does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris style their hair?

Always in a ponytail draped over her shoulder

Hair Color - What color is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s hair?

silver, with a few bronze highlights

Height - How tall is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ?


Body Type

She is very average in her build. She only had the basics in Eldari military training, and doesn't practice her skills. At all.

Weight - How much does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris weigh?


Skin Tone

pale grey with dull blue tint

Race - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s race?

Konari Eldari

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris have?

excellent gardener.

Motivations - What motivates An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris most?

her garden. She loves it dearly.

Flaws - What flaws does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris have?

she is rather flippant, and very obsessed with getting new additions to her garden

Prejudices - What prejudices does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris have?

she's a cinnamon roll, i don't think prejudice is a thing for her

Hobbies - What hobbies does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris have?

Gardening, reading.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s favorite animal?

she loves the Earth cicadas

Favorite weapon - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s favorite weapon?

She doesn't have a favorite weapon

Favorite possession - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s favorite possession?

plants given to her

Favorite food - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s favorite food?

this 'little girl' LOVES meat.

Occupation - What is An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris ’s occupation?

Crown Princess

Politics - What politics does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris have?


Religion - What religion does An'ett Ker'ahn Excena Astris practice?

Tokuli practitioner

info History
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Sleeping Habits
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