info Overview
Name - What is Pax’s full name?


Description - Describe Pax.

It is big. about twice the circumference of Earth. It's capital city, Pax Imperia (also known as Konar Elara in the Eldari languages) Konari Edana Hokolu

Type - What type of location is Pax?

Planet, home planet of the Eldari race

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Pax?

Konara, Eddan, Hokolu

Sports - What sports are played in Pax?

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Laws - What are the laws in Pax?

Blasphemy (only applicable to Eldari, and not the other subjects in their Empire) -punishable by stripping of all properties and titles as well as office OR banishment. Depending on the severity, may result in death

Population - What is Pax’s population?

13 billion

Motto - What is Pax’s motto?

Selano icari vvol' qu (Sell-ah no I Car ee vuh-oal cue)
"For her Holiness' wills it"

Currency - What currencies are used in Pax?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Pax in?

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Climate - What is the climate like in Pax?

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Located at - Where is Pax located?

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Crops - What crops does Pax produce?

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book History
Established Year - When was Pax established?

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Notable Wars - What notable wars has Pax been involved in?

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Founding Story - How was Pax founded?

History for Pax Planetia/Paxana: Legend has it that when Father Hispyra first created the universe, he created a child for himself, to brave the void for eternity with him. His child, Selan Eddara, the Holy Goddess, grew tired of the nothingness and begged her father to make her a garden. But the garden was empty, so she asked him to make animals to fill the garden.
One day, Selan was careless with one of the smaller lifeforms, and it died, giving the Goddess of Death and Sorrow, Nykol, form. Scared, Selan went to her father and asked him to create a being with the power to escape death. In exchange for this wish, however, Hispyra demanded a part of her to be offered up to their creation, so Selan offered her blood.
From the Goddess comes Eldari, and To the Eldari, the Goddess returns...

History for Pax Imperia/Pax Elara: During one of the many wars in the distant past of the Eldari species, The Konari Eldari (Yumi, Katra, and Kena's race) made a fort around what they considered to be the Holy Goddess' place of ascension. As the war waged on, more and more Konari poured into the fort and it slowly grew. Several attacks by the Hokolu failed to destroy the fort, and as the millenia went by and it survived even more wars, other Eldari migrated to the area -first as allies and refugees, but as the wars wound down and peace came to the planet, others came as diplomats and representatives.

history Changelog
edit Notes

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