info Overview
Name - What is Natalia Seppanen’s full name?

Natalia Seppanen

Role - What is Natalia Seppanen’s role in your story?

The Heart

Other names - What other aliases does Natalia Seppanen go by?


Gender - What is Natalia Seppanen’s gender?


Age - How old is Natalia Seppanen?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Natalia Seppanen weigh?

161 lbs

Height - How tall is Natalia Seppanen?

5'8 / 173 cm

Hair Color - What color is Natalia Seppanen’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Natalia Seppanen style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Natalia Seppanen have?


Eye Color - What is Natalia Seppanen’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Race - What is Natalia Seppanen’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Natalia Seppanen have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Natalia Seppanen have?

Focused, Hard-working, Determined, Grateful, Committed, Cooperative, Open, Kind, Caring, Trusting, Skilled, Honest, Considerate, Extraverted, Educated, Generous, Responsible, Open-Minded, Sociable, Independent, Practical, Efficient, Faithful, and Confident.

Motivations - What motivates Natalia Seppanen most?

She joined the Convocation so she could inspire change through her actions.

Flaws - What flaws does Natalia Seppanen have?

She is very blunt.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Natalia Seppanen have?

She is distrustful of criminals who want to reform.

Talents - What talents does Natalia Seppanen have?

She is good at using different types of weaponry, incredibly acrobatic and flexible, and knowledgeable about theology.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Natalia Seppanen have?

Reading her Bible, relaxing in the sauna, working out, dancing,

Personality type - What personality type is Natalia Seppanen?

Kind, but blunt



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Natalia Seppanen practice?


Occupation - What is Natalia Seppanen’s occupation?

Convocation Agent

Favorite color - What is Natalia Seppanen’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Natalia Seppanen’s favorite food?

Lihapullat (Finnish meatballs)

Favorite possession - What is Natalia Seppanen’s favorite possession?

Graduation tassels

Favorite weapon - What is Natalia Seppanen’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Natalia Seppanen’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Natalia Seppanen have?

Convocation Agent

face Looks
date_range History
Birthday - When is Natalia Seppanen’s birthday?

December 25

Education - What is Natalia Seppanen’s level of education?

Private School

Background - What is Natalia Seppanen’s background?

Natalia was born on a very special day. It was Christmas in Lauderdale Lakes; Florida and it was snowing heavily. Her parents tried to get her inside a hospital, but it was full. The hospital in question got ready to transfer her over to another hospital. However, before they showed up, Natalia's mother, Lumi, delivered her while still in the car. After an hour, the hospital had room for them. Her mother was a real estate agent who always showcased kindness around Natalia while her father was a historian who emphasized the importance of tradition. They grew up in a Lutheran household. When Natalia was 4, they went to visit the doctor. She had reached the age where doctors can predict whether a child will be born with a Factor. The doctor took her parents aside and told them that she'd be born as a Dominant Mutant, meaning that her original Factor has been mutated. She was going to have the ability to manipulate regular orange fire, but instead, her flames would be blue. This meant they would be more powerful, but more difficult to control, much like a hose on full blast. However, in exchange, her flames would be able to heal people, but said people would have to experience pain greater than what they're currently going through before it was all gone. When the doctor offered to give Natalia a special program that would help her gain control of her abilities, her parents declined, stating that all she would need to control her powers was some discipline. To help her, they enrolled her into many different extracurriculars including cheerleading, NHS, student council, youth group, and worship. One of her favorite subjects was history, specifically medieval European history. One of her favorite pastimes with her dad was practicing HEMA via creating weapons made of blue fire. When she was 15, she learned of a new law that made it mandatory for Dominant Mutants to undergo the special training program that she was offered years ago. Unable to stomach such an idea, she decided that her life goal was to become a politician so as to find a way to veto this law. When she entered college, she continued cheerleading since it was her favorite extracurricular, but decided to join a young politicians club. When she was 20, she and her club traveled to Honduras and met with many local kids. One day, she went to get a special flower for a child she befriended and vowed that she'd do it. Unfortunately, this desire to fulfill her promise led her to going into a part of the forest that wasn't as supervised. As a result, she was kidnapped by a human trafficking organization. They figured that because her appearance was unique in comparison to most of their captives, she'd sell for a very high price. She stood out, not just because of her looks, but also by the fact that she was the only one worried. When she asked why everyone else was calm, they answered saying that they would be saved by a vigilante known as Macizo. When Macizo did show up, he ultimately saved everyone and guided them back to their homes. Natalia apologized to the girl for not getting the flower she promised, but the girl said she was happy Natalia was back. When she got back, Natalia started to think about her behavior and mindset compared to everyone else. She realized that she wasn't as trusting in God as she believed since it never once crossed her mind that He would save her. This feeling washed over her throughout the rest of her semester. From that point forward, Natalia would engage in God's Word more than she was doing before. She also decided that after getting her AA degree in political science, she would drop out of college and join The Convocation. Her belief was that the only reason those people had faith in Macizo was because his actions convinced them otherwise. This convinced her that actions have more influence on the mindsets of people than mere words and being an active agent in The Convocation would help people understand that this law involving mandatory training was obsolete.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by TheMetallicBlur on

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