info Overview
Name - What is Byron Narciso’s full name?

Byron Narciso

Role - What is Byron Narciso’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Byron Narciso go by?

Byron Dolion

Gender - What is Byron Narciso’s gender?


Age - How old is Byron Narciso?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Byron Narciso weigh?

190 lbs

Height - How tall is Byron Narciso?

6'2 / 188 cm

Hair Color - What color is Byron Narciso’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Byron Narciso style their hair?

Swept Back

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Byron Narciso have?


Eye Color - What is Byron Narciso’s eye color?

Leaf green

Race - What is Byron Narciso’s race?


Skin Tone

Lightly Tanned

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Byron Narciso have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Byron Narciso have?

Creative, Resilient, Ambitious, Vain, Self-absorbed, Entitled, Manipulative, Arrogant, Envious, Heartless,

Motivations - What motivates Byron Narciso most?

Byron wants to implant microchips into every human on Earth that gives them all Factors and make them mindless drones who are assigned specific jobs based on their Factors that make the Earth the idyllic heaven that he believes should've been his birthright. Then, after he and his inner circle have perished, everyone will be free from the microchip control, but a dead man's switch will go off, triggering bombs that reduce the world to an apocalyptic hellscape.

Flaws - What flaws does Byron Narciso have?

He is very narcissistic. He believes everyone should work to further humanity's progress regardless of if they want to or not.

Personality type - What personality type is Byron Narciso?

"Greetings, everyone. My name is Byron Narciso. You all knew me as the CEO of Woodgrove. What you didn't know about me, however, was that I am responsible for this paradise you see before you. I'm sure you'd love to enjoy it, but you can't. If this message is playing, then me, my wonderful friends, my loyal mentor, and my beautiful wife have all perished, which means this heaven must die as well. None of you are worthy of enjoying it. If you were, you would've created it well before I was even born. My father was the greatest crime lord in all of Northern California. He had riches and wealth beyond what many of you probably could've even imagined. Yet, I had to fester in a forest of waste throughout my life. All because you humans created concepts like kings and slaves instead of equal citizens. You required hours of bickering to agree on helping the downtrodden. And you all let your count of currency decide your value and the value of others. At first, I didn't get it. In a world where humans can change the weather or create breathtaking forests, how could ideas like poverty and inequality still thrive? Then I realized the problem. It's not that humanity is incapable of equality, it's that humanity despises it. After all, if you decide the worth of others by what they own, giving to the less fortunate is like reducing your own value and giving it to someone else. Why would we want to make ourselves lesser than just to help someone whose life we consider worthless? The answer is simple: when you're so accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. In fact, this paradise is proof of your inherent opposition to equality. After all, the fact that I had to erase your humanity in order to create a bountiful heaven only proves how allergic human nature is to equality. But yet, despite being spawned from the holes of humanity, I ascended to the top of society thanks to the help of my wonderful mentor and friends. And it's thanks to my gorgeous wife that I had the intimate love that drove me even further. For those listening who held important positions of power before, how does it feel to know that a little boy who was spawned from the holes of society not only learned your language and surpassed you in its fluency, but also devised a way to reduce you to being even lower and more insignificant than he ever was? Of course, it's not just the elites who are to blame for the world's backwards existence. It's all the poverty-stricken vagabonds and middle-class drones who are equally responsible. For all the power and status the elite held, they only made of 1% of the population, hence why they're the called the 1%. And yet, none of you ever thought to fight back? If I, someone who grew up sleeping inside a shopping cart basket, managed to rise to the ranks of the elites, none of you had any excuse. Well, aside from my clearly exceptional status, the only one I can rationally come to is that you were all far too comfortable with the way your own lives were to allow other people that same level of peace. Because me and my circle are gone, a dead man's switch will now activate in several bombs placed around the world, bombs that I had some of you create that will bring the world to irreparable ruin. When will it happen? Who knows? Days, weeks, months, years? Well, I know, but hey, dead men aren't allowed to tell tales. Oh, and just for a little fun, I made most of you create statues of me and my circle so that you never forget the true architects of your future. And I went the extra mile to have you all destroy every form of currency in the world. Because the human race loathes equality, I'm going to force it on you as punishment with this lake of fire. Now, either you all have to put aside your differences and work with those you considered trash or you all just kill yourselves the same. Either way, I can die happy knowing that this world, the ultimate mistake of God or any higher power, will rot and suffer like it should have many years ago. I am not your savior. If anything, the notion that humanity is worthy of one is ludicrous. Honestly, the greatest miracle in history is that me and my circle were the same species as all of you."


Doces Pesadelos (Sweet Nightmares) - Byron creates a plant that releases a fragrance that puts the target to sleep, causing great nightmares.

Pastagem Solar (Solar Pasture) - Byron summons flowers that gather enough sunlight before firing it as a beam.

Tempestade Vinhedo (Storm Vineyard) - Byron summons vines from the ground to attack his opponents.

Explosivo Florescer (Explosive Bloom) - Byron summons multiple large seeds around the opponent that explode violently.

Algodão Teia (Cotton Web) - Byron covers the opponent in cotton to impede their movements.

Folhagem Dragão (Dragon Foliage) - Byron attacks the opponent with a large stream of leaves.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Byron Narciso practice?


Occupation - What is Byron Narciso’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Byron Narciso’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Byron Narciso’s favorite food?

Portuguese Tomato Soup with Poached Eggs and Bread

Favorite weapon - What is Byron Narciso’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Byron Narciso’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Byron Narciso have?

Business CEO

face Looks
date_range History
Birthday - When is Byron Narciso’s birthday?

March 22

Education - What is Byron Narciso’s level of education?

Associate's in Accounting, Bachelor's in Political Science, MBA in real estate

Background - What is Byron Narciso’s background?

Byron Narciso was born on March 22, 1979 and raised in San Jose, California in a homeless encampment by his single mom, who worked as a streetwalker. He spent his nights sleeping inside a shopping cart basket, using a small tarp as protection from the elements. Growing up, he was disgusted by his school due to the rundown conditions, unruly children, and emotionally distraught teachers. Usually during class time, some kids would be fighting, others would talk loudly, and others would constantly sing. Meanwhile, the teachers would break down and cry due to their inability to control them all. On top of that, whenever his mom, Crystal, was at work, she wouldn't ask someone who lived at the shelter to look after Byron for her, allowing him to explore whenever he felt like it. When Byron's academic exceptionalism allowed him to skip 3rd grade and move over to 4th, he got to have Douglas Daskalov, the only teacher at his school he could respect. Not only was he able to rein in the students, but he also had a secret shelf full of banned books that they could read from, just as long as they didn't tell the school or their parents. He believed education was too important to let it be suppressed by rigid systems. Many of the students read these books, especially Byron. He read a book titled "Driving Fate's Helm." The book was about a pirate named Captain Everything who would rely on greed, dishonesty, brutality, opportunism and cunning, eventually becoming the Pirate King. Sadly, one of the students talked to one of his parents about one of the books. The book, in question talked about how fidelity was an outdated concept. The school found out and fired Daskalov. This, coupled with the book he read, taught Byron that courage comes most from those who break the law, getting caught must be avoided at all costs, and mediocre minds will do everything they can to quell enlightenment. It was on his 10th birthday when one of the men living there, Norman Katona, approached him to tell him about his dad. Byron was initially skeptical, claiming Norman couldn't know anything about his dad. Norman showed Byron a DNA test paper that said his mother was Crystal Belo and his father was Reese Narciso. The validity of his mom's name made him sure Norman might know something, so he asked for an explanation. He told him that his dad was the biggest gang leader in Northern California. He told Byron it's because his dad searched for him while he was living on the streets. Norman explained that when he was 18, he enlisted in the Navy and worked for them for 6 years until one day, he deserted his team during a mission to bring in a drug trafficking politician from Panama. While his teammates were fighting for their lives, Norman was trying to find and take whatever valuables he could get his hands on, only to be discovered and caught. Norman expressed no regret in his decisions, only harboring hatred for the system that ruined him. This history made Reese interested in recruiting him. Norman joined Reese because he figured a job that lets him do as he pleases was exactly what he wanted and considered his job as Reese's lieutenant the best period of his life. He came to the homeless shelter due to hearing stories about Crystal from his men. He explained that Reese came to buy her services and considered her very sexy. She was so enamored that she completely threw herself onto him, putting everything she could into their night of passion. However, he died the following week due to a hit placed on his life. Norman followed up with his relationship with Reese and that after his death, Reese's second-in-command took over and Norman simply couldn't stomach working for anyone else, especially not him given how slimy he came off. This infuriated Byron, the idea that he was denied a much better life by some unknown force. Norman explained that he went to find Crystal to learn if she was pregnant with Reese's kid. After confirming it secretly, he decided to live at the encampment to watch over Byron from afar, always training to make sure his skills never dulled so he could protect Byron as penance for failing to protect Reese. That same night, Byron started to come up with a plan that involved becoming the CEO of a famous company. After spending a week fully refining it, he asked Norman to teach him how to fight, explaining that in order to execute his plan, he needed combat skills so he could survive on his own. Norman accepted and trained him in hand-to-hand, swordsmanship, and the use of his Factor, which gave him control over the element of Earth. Byron would regularly train with Norman after school, doing his schoolwork first. Not only was Byron doing well, but he was even exceeding Norman's expectations at certain points. During school, he'd rely on the computers in the library to look up facts about the Earth that he could try to control. Because of this, Norman would shower Byron with constant praise and adoration for his ever-growing creativity, further feeding into his ego. On his 15th birthday, Byron decided to migrate to an abandoned warehouse that would make for a good living space thanks to being near Downtown San Jose, feeling that he was ready to begin the next phase of his plan which meant he was gonna have to leave. Norman decided to let Byron go after one last test, figuring he was more than strong enough, and gave him both his father's Mendel Band and one last important piece of advice: It's not you who's broken, it's the world. With that, Byron asked Norman to wait at this place for him and never looked back. His mom didn't care that her son never returned and felt like a big weight was lifted off her shoulders if anything. While still going to school, Byron would frequent a fight club he heard about from Norman located in a cavern called The Beast Hole so he could find strong people who could help him. He told them that his name was George Dolion so that no one could tell he was Reese's kid. Byron would regularly fight here, wearing a face mask under the guise that he was hideously scarred when in reality, he didn't want his face to be recognizable by shady people. For the first month, Byron would lose to most of his opponents, only surviving since killing was forbidden due to the belief that it would forever derive someone from the pleasure of battle. Each loss, fortunately, helped him improve and learn, eventually becoming a skilled fighter in his own right. Outside of the Beast Hole, Byron would survive by stealing valuable items from people and selling them to a crooked pawn shop owner for money. During school, he would participate in dual enrollment starting in 11th grade and taking 4 college courses for each of his remaining high school semesters. After three months of fighting in The Beast Hole, Byron would partake in a tournament held there and win, defeating every opponent he fought, leaving everyone amazed. Byron discovered four other teens who performed excellently in his eyes and brought them together, suggesting they should join him in his quest to achieve affluence. The others, wowed and impressed with Byron's skills, agreed and joined him, living in his abandoned warehouse with him. Byron had his technopath teammate Delbert try to track down someone who: lived near Silicon Valley, didn't have a Factor, and had serious skeletons in their closet. While he would go to school, his friends would steal valuable materials. Delbert would eventually find their ideal candidate before Byron's high school graduation and Byron would send his aerokinetic teammate Roosevelt to strong-arm him into letting them live there. On the night they moved in, Byron trusted them enough to not only reveal his face, but also tell them his real name, parentage, and goals, asking if they were truly onboard with him. Everyone vowed that they weren't a team, but a family and that Byron's dream would become reality. They let Byron come up with the name for their group and he decided on The Vespeiro. After the summer following his graduation, Byron would go to college at San Jose State University and graduate in 2 years with a Bachelor’s in Poli-Sci thanks to his Associate’s credits transferring over. This Bachelor’s allowed him to get a job as a Consultant at Woodgrove, a company that managed the assets of other companies. He would participate in many high-profile projects, establish relationships with many different executives, and train under employees in senior positions under the guise of wanting to contribute to the success of the company. Everyone couldn't help but be amazed by how rapid his growth was. Though, it's worth noting that Byron also advanced by having his friends murder or blackmail anyone in his field that he saw receiving as much, if not, more attention than him. During his time as a Consultant, he received his Master’s in Real Estate. The COO at the time, Truman Shaughnessy, began suspecting Byron of all the employee deaths. While he didn’t have any evidence, he found it suspicious that most people who were performing well kept dying while he didn’t. What troubled Byron most was Truman’s ability to turn invisible. Though Truman didn't feel like following Byron to his home, both because he had a personal life and also because his suspicions weren't strong enough, that didn't change Byron's feelings that he had to constantly be on edge. Eventually, Byron discovered his Factor which gave him control over the element of Earth could also let him control ley lines, meaning he could both use ley line energy and sense living beings on Earth. With it, he detected Truman spying on him and told everyone that Truman was the one who murdered the Woodgrove employees out of fear that they would take his position and that Truman was spying on him to figure out the perfect way to kill him. Thanks to that, Truman was fired and Byron took his place. As COO, Byron would spend time cultivating relationships, not only with many employees, but also the board members. Byron eventually became the CEO of Woodgrove on June 6, 2006 after 2 years of being the COO by having Roosevelt sneak into the current CEO's bedroom, hold a knife to his neck and lie saying that he was a mercenary hired by a rival company to make the CEO retire and appoint Byron as CEO under the pretense that the company wanted Byron to become CEO to crash the company to the ground due to being too young. He would collude with four companies that each specialized in: arms manufacturing, mercenary training, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals. Regarding the company that specialized in mercenary training, The Tuesday Academy, he sent Roosevelt to The Beast Hole to pick up Norman, telling him he had plans for him to become a teacher there. He'd also go on to marry a model named Regina Basova, meeting her when she was 20 and him 29 and becoming her husband a year later on her birthday.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Byron Narciso have?

4992.18, 920.73, 2468.02, 961.16, 2092.99, 2852.03

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Artilharia Pedra (Stone Artillery) - Byron launches a barrage of stones at the enemy

Furacão Deserto (Desert Hurricane) - Byron creates sand to stir around the opponent(s), obscuring their vision

Fundações Granulosos (Grainy Foundations) - Byron turns the ground beneath his opponent's feet into sand just as they're running towards them

Onda Da Terra (Earth Wave) - Byron generates a large wave of mud and projects it at the enemy

Manada Escultura (Sculpture Herd) - Byron creates cow-headed minions out of clay that are animated by ley line energy who fight for his behalf.

Golem Pangeano (Pangean Golem) - Byron creates a large golem of clay animated by ley line energy and armed with a large sword that fights alongside him.

Gêiser Vulcânico (Volcanic Geyser) - Byron either causes small eruptions of lava to emerge under his enemy's feet or coats his hands and lower arms in molten rock and spews a stream of lava at his enemy

Correntes Geodos (Geode Currents) - Byron raises rocks from underground that levitate around him via geomagnetism, helped by the magnetite inside. These electrified rocks are used to either shock enemies or create an electric cage to trap enemies.

Setentrional Brilho (Northern Flash) - Byron uses a detached rock platform to hover above his enemies and manipulates the Earth's magnetic field to make his entire body shine like a multicolored aurora to distract enemies.

Visão Em Túnel (Tunnel Vision) - Byron senses the presence of another being through the connection of ley lines

Prisão Cristalina (Crystalline Prison) Byron summons crystals around his opponents to immobilize them.

Caminho Destrutivo (Destructive Path) - Byron fires a beam of ley line energy from either his hands or fingers.

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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