info Overview
Name - What is Mr. Perelli’s full name?

Mr. Perelli

Other names - What other aliases does Mr. Perelli go by?

Pazuzu Perelli

Role - What is Mr. Perelli’s role in your story?

The owner of the Cornerstone Aerial Postal Service and the wealthiest man in all of Hyrule, Mr. Perelli is a ruthless businessman who appreciates the value of convenience, as well as power.

Gender - What is Mr. Perelli’s gender?


Age - How old is Mr. Perelli?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mr. Perelli have?

Has a crescent moon-shaped scar on his left cheek that he received from bandits after almost getting robbed during his travels; wears small, rounded, pince-nez spectacles

Hair Style - How does Mr. Perelli style their hair?

Short and slicked back

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mr. Perelli have?

Fashioned his facial plumage into a long, wispy mustache that comes down to his chin

Eye Color - What is Mr. Perelli’s eye color?


Race - What is Mr. Perelli’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Purple plumage with purple, sea green, and red tail-feathers

Body Type

Peacock-type; very top-heavy with a puffed out, broad chest, and tail-feathers that drag on the ground when not erect

Weight - How much does Mr. Perelli weigh?

150 pounds

Height - How tall is Mr. Perelli?


Hair Color - What color is Mr. Perelli’s hair?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Mr. Perelli have?

Hates all things inefficient and slow, including people. Those who fit this category and work for him are quick to get the ax, sometimes literally.

Absolutely can't stand the sight of death, be it a deceased body, a grievous injury, or blood, and will vomit if forced to look up it.

Talents - What talents does Mr. Perelli have?

Mr. Perelli is an excellent public speaker and is very charismatic to the point where he finds it simple to persuade people over to his side. He is very good at gathering all the cards to give him the upper-hand in any given dilemma, and he has a knack for disarming even his toughest opponents in a debate.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mr. Perelli have?

Watch-making, chess

Personality type - What personality type is Mr. Perelli?

In public, Mr. Perelli is as mild-mannered and reasonable as he is shrewd, cunning, and ruthless. He is very business-savvy and charming to the point of being very persuasive. He appreciates convenience above all else, hence why he was driven to start C.A.P.S. in an attempt to make communications convenient for everyone. He has a sharp wit and enjoys a good banter, and he fancies himself an expert debater.

In private, the man is calculating and manipulative, and has very little empathy or sympathy for those that he cannot use to further his own agenda. Although he does truly want to make the world a more convenient place to live, he believes that he alone should be the arbiter of how this new world should work, and that everyone should defer to his judgment when it comes to such. He has no problem with having people eliminated to meet his goals, and he practically gets off on controlling people from the shadows with his money and influence.

A master manipulator and borderline sociopath who maintains the outward appearance of a good-natured businessman who cares about his workers

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mr. Perelli have?

  • constantly checks his watch to make sure that he is own time

  • likes to tidy his space and is known to get distracted by and order things that he notices are out of place, even if it's not his place to do so

  • cleans his glasses with a red cloth as a secret signal to his assistant that the person he's talking to must die

Motivations - What motivates Mr. Perelli most?

Mr. Perelli loves money, power, and convenience, and almost everything that he does is to acquire any of these in some fashion. Even though he claims to abhor violence, he is secretly quite wrathful, and is not above using violent and bloody means to obtain what he wants.

Flaws - What flaws does Mr. Perelli have?

While usually good-natured, Mr. Perelli is prone to outbursts of rage whenever he is met with the slightest inconvenience. He despises his first name and will shun anyone who refers to him as such, even his own family. He also is meticulous to the point of obsession, and will refuse to enter a room if it contains even the slightest mess or unpleasant smell. Also, he is extremely proud and vindictive and will ruin the lives of or kill anyone who sufficiently bruises his ego.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Mr. Perelli’s occupation?

Owner and CEO of the Cornerstone Aerial Postal Service

Favorite color - What is Mr. Perelli’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Mr. Perelli’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Mr. Perelli’s favorite possession?

The first pocket watch that he ever created with his own hands

Favorite weapon - What is Mr. Perelli’s favorite weapon?

His secret organization, The Society

Favorite animal - What is Mr. Perelli’s favorite animal?

Doesn't like animals

Languages spoken

Religion - What religion does Mr. Perelli practice?


Politics - What politics does Mr. Perelli have?

Believes in anything to get others over to his side and is very good at toeing the line between the two most popular, opposing political parties.

info History
Background - What is Mr. Perelli’s background?

Mr. Perelli grew up poor in the Rito Village along with every other Rito. Refusing to except this fate, he left the village and traveled around the world in pursuit of wealth. After striking it rich on the treasure-hunting circuit, being one of the only people who ransacked Hyrule Castle and lived to tell the tale, Perelli noticed that all of his mail took impossibly long to deliver. After doing a bit of research, he had the idea of using his people to create an efficient mail service for all the land to enjoy that he alone would control. Using his powers of persuasion, and his wealth, he convinced all of Hyrule to adopt his system, soon making him the wealthiest and most powerful businessman in the land.

Not content with the riches acquired from legitimacy, Mr. Perelli soon set his sights on the seedy underworld of Hyrule's criminal empire. He convinced some associates to help him create The Society, an assassins guild that specializes in covert ops, and uses it to slowly but surely change the political landscape to fit his agenda.

Education - What is Mr. Perelli’s level of education?

Had no formal education besides reading, writing, and basic numbers; became self-taught in finance and business later on in life

Birthday - When is Mr. Perelli’s birthday?

17 Wintera 36 E.A.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mr. Perelli have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Mr. Perelli was one of the first people to pioneer the use of cyanide in assassinations; it's his weapon of choice because it's not very well known.

folder_open Apparel
folder_open Speech
folder_open Other details
folder_open Wealth
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This character was created by Ammy M. on

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