info Overview
Name - What is House Swanthorn's name?

House Swanthorn

Description - How would you describe House Swanthorn?

Noble house in Gaelen led by Leon and Olivia

Type of building - What kind of building is House Swanthorn?

Noble house

Alternate names - What other names is House Swanthorn known by?

Vermillion Keep

recent_actors Occupants
Affiliation - What groups or organizations is House Swanthorn affiliated with?

Capacity - How many people can House Swanthorn hold?

1,500 total
- 1,000 (Vermillion Guard; 500 vanguard, 500 reserves)
- 500 (remaining House Swanthorn staff)

format_paint Design
Architectural style - What style of architecture is House Swanthorn?

Medieval Greece


Estate surrounded by hills

extension Usage
Purpose - Why does House Swanthorn exist? What is it for?

Noble house

location_on Location

Southwestern Gaelen, about a two-hour carriage ride away from Astiri

store_mall_directory Neighborhood
attach_money Financial
pool Amenities
date_range History
security Military
edit Notes

Sigil – Emblem of a gold swan perched atop a gold-outlined scarlet rose with gold leaves and thorns underneath

Character chevron_right Role link mentioned House Swanthorn

Character chevron_right Desires link mentioned House Swanthorn

Character chevron_right Mannerisms link mentioned House Swanthorn

Character chevron_right Happiest memory link mentioned House Swanthorn

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned House Swanthorn

Group chevron_right Headquarters link linked House Swanthorn

Character chevron_right Occupation link mentioned House Swanthorn

Building chevron_right Capacity link mentioned House Swanthorn

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