forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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"ohoho no Sam, I don't make mistakes. You took my family. Now all I'm doing is paying you back. And really, I'm doing you a favor. One loved ones for three, thats all I ask. Else your dear mother will suffer."


Brink shrugged "okay, have it your way." He dug the tip of the knife into Ivy's shoulder. She wriggled in pain, a soundless scream escaped her mouth "I wonder how long this poison will take to reach ones heart, maybe 5 minutes, maybe 15…."


Brink gritted his teeth before plunging the knife into Ivy's side. He hung up the phone with another word. Leaning close to Ivy's ear he whispered "the antidote is in the bag across the room. You have 5 minutes before the poison kicks in. I'm sure you can manage the stab wound yourself once you're cured." He stood and ripped out the knife before heading out the door


Harley glanced down with a gratefully nod, once out of her restraints, she helped Vannessa cut off the ropes on her husband's wrists along with the poisoned ones.


"you go to brink, I'll get Vanessa out of here." Joker said, scooping Vanessa up and kissing his wife before heading out the door


Harley stood in Samuels way, letting joker and Vanessa leave the building. Brink came out of his hiding place "you have to options Sammy, see if I left your mother alive or fight your way out of here."


Brink stayed in place next to his mother "your mom doesn't have long," brink taunted, know his dad wouldn't let Vanessa die


"hi baby, I'm here." He kissed her brow and glanced up at his mom "she needs a doctor." Harley nodded "they'll take you,"


"kitty we don't have the antidote at home. We need the doctors. I don't care if they take me, I'll figure out a way to get out."