forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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"yeah, sorry kitty," he pulled her close "want to explain why in chaos name what the window was doing open?"


He glared down at her "we need to get you a fan." He kissed her softly and helped her stand "I'll find the kids. Make sure all windows and doors are locked."


"upstairs Jack's!" He called back, ducking as Jester threw a knife near his head "hey, just me, you two ok?"
Jester nodded and ran to his dad


He scooped up both heater and Victoria as Jack's came up the stairs
"Hey, is everything ok? I saw Samuel run from the house." She glanced around for Vanessa and walked over


"eh, that's the life." Jack's looked at Vanessa and then a Victoria in Brink's arms "she looks just like you Ness."


Jack's nodded in agreement before taking the knife from ness' hand and setting it down. Brink set Jester down and walked over to Victoria's room to put her to sleep


Jester reached up for his mom to hold him.
"Yeah but at the same time you didn't." Jack's said, ruffling the kids hair, "good throw Jes


"thanks, but I almost got daddy." Jas said, glancing down in shame
Jack's smiled softly and poked his sides "but you didn't, your dad's ok and very proud at your throwing skills." She winked and turned back to Vanessa "want me stay in the guest bedroom for tonight in case he comes back?"