forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 61 followers


"kitty cat, I'm not arguing this with you. I'm taking you to the hospital. Threaten them to help you and then we can bring you home."


He tilted his head and kissed her wrist "no." He wispered softly "I am not losing you. Especially to that plant love scum."


"I will never leave you cat. but you have to promise me the same." He muttered softly, glancing up as they arrived at the hospital


"Kitty I promised i wouldn't leave." He kissed her head "ready to have a little fun?" He grinned, the slightest hint of mania entering his eyes


"I swear on my life this'll be over soon," he said softly "we can do whatever you want, just as long you're still here with me and the kids afterward."


"she doesn't need a hero. And if I may recall you guys aren't the hero type. Now heal her or people start dropping dead." He threatened, brandishing a knife with a free hand


"I meant argue with you about the antidote. I am going to Arkham," he said, heading to their home on the outskirts of Gotham