forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 61 followers


"breath, kitty, breath." He instrucrted gently, stroking her brow gently "Jack's can you get me my phone?"
She nodded and walked off towards the kitchen to grab his phone


"I know, it just gives me something to do." He muttered softly, glancing up at Jack's as she passed him his phone
"Vanessa is alive. Come over tomorrow if you want to see her."


"I know, kitty cat. So was I." He relaxed against the couch and closed his eyes
Jacklyn went upstairs to check on the kids


He shook his head "it's okay, we'll talk about it later when you've gotten more rest." He stood and scooped her up in his arms


Brink made his way up to their bed room afte rpeeking into the kid's room to find jacklyn asleep in one of the chairs. he smiled softly at the scene before shutting the door quietly and heading to their room, setting Vanessa down in the bed


He sighed in relief and curled around her closely "my dearest cat. What in mayhams name am I going to do with you?"