forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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"why? That's a good thing." He laughed and kissed her head. After a few moments of just laying there, he spoke again "why did you choose me?"


¨Brink ¨ She Said and Cupped his Cheek ¨The Moment I saw You I Fell In Love With You The Way You looked At Me Understood Me The Way No Other Guy Could. You Were There For Me Even When My Own Mother Wasn´t And Even When I Broke Your Heart You Stood Beside Me So Out Of All The People In The World Why Did You Choose me?¨


He smiled and kissed her hand “Kitty cat caught my heart. I’ve never wanted it back. You’ve looked past the crazy and disfunctional and insane and some how found some one to love. You’re easy and fun to be around. You’re a rule shaper, you do what you wish, claim you’re freedom and run. You have a wild side. Its always been something that caught my attention and drawn me to you. I love you, Ness. Forever and beyond that, no matter what we do.”


“Always my cat.” He kissed her lips softly before tangling her legs with his and tucking her safely beneath his chin. “Get some rest kitty,”


Jester ran into their bedroom and curled up between them "Mama! Dad! wake up!!!!!"
Brink groaned in protest "Jes, it's too early for this."


"But it's 10 and I'm hungry!" He shook his dad's shoulder
brink sighed and opened his eyes "how long have you been awake?"
"2 hours."


"Aunty jacks don't know how to cook," Jes whined
"Tell you what, get everything out we need for breakfast and we'll meet you in the kitchen in 15 minutes. In the meantime, show aunty jack's your knife-throwing skills in the basement."
Jester smiled and nodded, hopping off the bed and running back to his room to fetch Jacks


Once Jester had left, Brink curled back up under the covers "what was that kitty? still, don't want to get up?"


He propped himself on an elbow and gently stroked her cheek "my pretty kitty cat. Let's hope the pain subsided soon."