forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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Brink laughed softly and headed back to the kitchen. He found jas watchfng over the waffles that were being made as well as Jack's rocking Victoria in her arms. "Hey, how's the kitten?" Brink asked, walking over and giving his sister a hug while looking over her shoulder at the baby


Vanessa slowly got out of bed hissing in pain she walked out into the living space where everyone was Her hair was nicley combed for someone who just got out of bed and her shirt was wrinkled up so that it showed her stomach and she was wearing short shorts that showed her thighs nicely.


Brink had just finished making breakfast while Jacks was playing with Jester and the baby in the living room "look who finally awoke from her cat nap." Brink teased, handing her a plate of food and kissing her cheek


He grabbed another are of food as well as the baby bottle and sat on the ground in front of the couch as he watched Jes play. He held out another plate to him 0ready for breakfast or still not yet?" Jes ran over and sat next to brink, takingfg the plate and munching on his waffles happily