forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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He pulled away slightly and traced her lips with his fingertips "I'm going to get the medications okay? or do you want to come with?"


“Okay, I’ll be right back with the meds.” He shifted out of bed and wrapped her in the blankets, kissing her head. He went downstairs and into the kitchen to prepared the mess with some sugar water


Brink came back shorty with the glass of water and some chocolate they hid away from both Jacklynn and Jester. He sat at the edge of the bed and handed Ness the water mixed with the meds and sugar to help ease it down.


Brink maneuvered behind her and held her against his chest. He pressed a kiss to her hair and rested his head back on the headboard


Beinked laughed softly and set the cup down in the table next to the bed. “And that’s why I brought these.” He rested the box of chocolate on her lap and took one out from its place


He thought for a moment, knowing she probably didn’t want to here the first idiotic thing that came into his head. “I’m not sure.” He said softly “we can always put a bullet in his head but I don’t think his mom would like that very much.”


His eyes saddened slightly “I don’t really have high regards for my own safety when it comes to you and the kids my cat.” He murmured