forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 61 followers


(answer next gen)
"ow. excuse me but if our son is going to date anyone they've got to go through both our approval."


"Uh- huh, and yet you're here – married, with two kids." He said with a smile and nudged her shoulder.


He smiled and nodded "neither could I. Ow Jes…that hair is still attached to my hea." he tickled the kid on his shoulders


The world melted away so all he could focus on was his children and wife. He lightly brushed her cheek with his hand and laughed gently "pretty kitty, just like your mother."


"Yes kitten, your just as crazy as the rest of this family." He said softly "we're not letting you forget it either."