forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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" he's also a slight pain in my ass," he grumbled " obsticals can be taken care of easily…" He mused, glancing at the knife in his hand


He sighed into her neck "thank you darling mine." he glanced up at the room around them "I'm sorry if I ever made you think I doubted you."


He gave her a two finger salute "nope, married" he said, "I don't even think mom knows yet…unless you told her" he said, focusing back on vanessa


"Ah yes, right, right. so just dad then..oh thats going to be great." he smiled and shook his head "the one and only, ivory,"


He kissed her back, pulling her tighter against him to deepen the kiss "later my kitty, not here." he muttered softly


"what? you look at me as if I'm asking when to kill them." he shook his head "I mean, when do we tell them about the child." he said with a grin