forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 61 followers


She nodded and grabbed some shoes, heading out the door "thanks Asterix!" She called with a smile. They got to car "damn it they slashed the tires!" She wined


"No it's fine, I'll call our boys to pick us up, just have to explain why we're here…you don't happen to have a ride, do you?"


She shook her head "I don't have good history with Ivy, I think I'll walk. Be prepared for a whole lot of crazy from Brink. He won't be happy." She walked off in the direction of the house, carrying her bag and her bat


Harley glared after the car until it left and turned to Vanessa "do you know how long it's going to take to get those things out?" She said dragging her up the stairs to the house "the boys are downstairs with Jester,"


"I told them already, reason as to why they're down there. You still might want to use your cat-like charms though, Brink isn't happy." She said, leading her to the bathroom to start getting ready


"no problem," Harley said with just as much sarcasm " here," she passed Vanessa the first dress and stood guard at the door


She stood back and looked at her, nodding "looks good, put these on with it." She handed her some shoes