forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 61 followers


"Too late." he popped out of his hiding place and jogged towards the back of the house "honestly what is up with pregnant women and weird food?"


He rolled his eyes and walked back to the living room, stopping and leaning at the threshold that connected the hall to the living room. "Looking for these?" He asked, shaking the jar


"when you were pregnant with Jester, you literally leap over the couch for these things. I don't get why." He sat down between the threshhold hold "I'll make a deal with you, if you at least move from the spot, I'll eat try of these things."


He rolled the jar in his hand "I wonder how shatter proof this is…." He glanced at the wood floor then back the jar with a smile


"yeah, usually trying to get the heck away from them, not closer." He snatched a pickle from the jar "a deals a deal."


He nodded and popped the snack into his mouth "yeah, she deserved it. You scratched the hell outta her, surprised to find out she lived." He chewed slowly and shook his head, standing and spitting it out in the sink


He cocked his head to the side in agreement and wiped his mouth "sadly yes." He heaved a sigh and sat in the recliner "how the hell do you like those things…"