forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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SHe nodded Jester would love a sibling, I warn you, Brink had a girl puppy growing up. He never let anyone, and I mean anyone, near her. He might do the same with his own daughter."


"No, probably not, but one mal-placed hand and he'll be begging to die." she said with a sadistic grin


THey reached the place "alright, a few things about this guy, Joker and Brink will probably yell at me for bringing you to him but meh, I'll deal with them later. Say nothing, Let me do all the talking, and DON'T leave my side. Understand?"


She nodded once satisfied with her answer and grabbed her revolver "Take this in case things get rough, I'm sure you know how to use this." She grabbed another one for herself and her bat "Lets go,"


SHe went up to a man at the counter "Hey Asterix! Long time no see," she said with a sweet smile
"Harley Quinn, a surprise to see you back, and who's you're friend?"
"Daughter in law, touch her and you die, touch me you die, you owe me and now I'm here to collect what's mine." She said, suddenly dropping her act and pointing the revolver at him
"Don't give what I asked, so nicely for, you die."


She kept her eyes trained on the man "now." she growled
He nodded "take what you want," he managed, swallowing as the gun lowered
"Aw really? thanks, Astery! Come on Ness, time for shopping!" She squealed like a little kid


She came to a wrack with longer dresses "god damn it Ness, you and Brink Are making me feel old." she shook her head and pulled out a red dress with a slit in the side