forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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Brink laughed a bit and started to play with Jester "Daddy, what are they talking about?"
" Nothing Jes, at least nothing you want to know."


"now I want to know!" he chimed in, "please!!!!!"
"Jes, I'm sure you don't you'll learn soon don't worry."


"yay, what about…" he glanced at his dad. Brink nods, though his smile drops
"Samuel?" he whispered, leaning over to her


Brink passed jester to his mother "does this kid not understand what married means? it means hands. off. my wife."


His anger faltered a bit, he shook his head "one song is enough time right…?"
"Right for what Brink?" his mother asked
"To cause mayhem." he muttered


"a little is fine, but you're not thinking that way, aren't you?" Harley said
He shook his head "that's no fun." He glanced at Vanessa "and you said yes to dancing with him?"


"I'll go with her," Harley said, getting out of the car with Jester
After the girls had left Brink broke the silence "am I losing her dad?"


He shook his head "I don't think that cat is ever going to let you go, Brink." He ruffled his son's hair "you had a son with her Brink, and you're going to have another kid, you think she'll set Samurl or anyone else in the way of your kids and her husband?"


He nodded and sighed "sure." He got out of the car and flicked his hair to one side, carrying the jacket over his shoulder. He waited for his dad and they both walked in.