forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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He shook his head "I grew up with a sister as crazy as me, I know about the female body….but one thing I will never get us why you crave the weirdest food."


He smiled to himself and joined her at the door "hey Mom, hey Jes!"
"Qinny showed me how to play poker!" He said happily
"Mom…tell me he means Go Fish." Brink said with a grin, hugging him mom and dad


She shook her head "no, we got it done today, this little devil helped with that." She set Jester down "It should be set for tonight." Jes ran to his mom and raised his hands to be picked up


"Mommy, can we play poker later? I know how to cheat now!"
Harley shook her head and smiled "Jes you're not supposed to tell others that."


Harley nodded "probably best." She turned to her son "so anything new since yesterday? hm?" she asked with a sweet smile


"That'd be fantastic-" harley glanced up at her son and her daughter in law. "Oh my god you're not kidding…." SHe broke out into a smile and hugged them both tight "I need to get the recording camera for your father!"


Brink smiled " this is going to be fun, wonder what dad will do this time…"
"Mommy is it true? Am I going to be a brother?" Jester asked, practically glowing with excitement


He raised his hands up and waved them around "yay!!!! Can I get a sister mommy?"
Brink glanced at him a smiled "Jes I don't think that's how it works."


He nodded and ran off towards his room "Ness you're coming with me while the boys get ready." She linked arms with her and dragged her to the car "see ya boys later!" she called as they got into the car. He waved and walked inside to find his dad in the chair "Hey dad,"