forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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"As do you." He replied, glancing at Victoria with a smile "You wouldn't mind if Mommy and daddy took a little break, would you kitten?"


Brink nodded "I'll put Vic down for a nap." He said, heading inside the house and up the stairs to the room they had set up for the girl.


Victoria had been crying for a bit now "I know kitten, I know. Foods coming." He shook the bottle and cradled the girl in his armsz. He sat down in a chair across the room and started to hum softly, giving the girl the bottle


"somone kill me," brink muttered, heater running into the room. "Daddy hurry!" He yelled. Brink stood and handed off Victoria "lock yourself In your room. Remember how to use the knife?" He's nodded and ran to his room with the baby while brink head to his and Vanessa's


Brink stopped at the threshold and glanced at the needle, trying not to flinch. "Damn Sammy, if you can't have her kill her. Am I right?" Brink leaned against the doorframe "always in trouble, aren't you kitty cat."


Brink let out an animalistic growl at Samuels motion "get your hands off my wife," he warned, staying by the threshold, afraid that he'd plunge the needle into her neck "she has kids for God's sake Samuel, are you going to take their mother away from them?!"


The growl In Brink's throat got louder as he shut his eyes. He slumped against the threshold a bit and laughed softly "you don't want her anymore. You want the revenge that comes from taking her away from me. Away from her and my kids." He snapped his eyes open, poison green irises with dork edges "isn't that right, Sammy?"


Brink glanced down at his dead wife on the ground then back up at Samuel, his expression neutral though internally he was screaming. "Well. That unfortunate." He muttered, shutting the door behind him and brandishing the knives. "This is going to be so much fun.."


He sighed softly as Samuel jumped out the window down "hope that kills him." He muttered, locking the window and closing the curtain. Once secure, he stood down to where Vanessa was and gently took her head in his hand "do. Not. Move. Got it?"