forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind shook her head. "No," she said firmly. "We discussed this."

Eve trembled. Her mother's neck snapping was a part of her nightmares and that was true. Her father's was Burned One scratches, and Anya's was torture. She clung to her girlfriend tightly. She wouldn't let that happen.

(Rosalind wants them for their power, it's why she doesn't want to kill them.)

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anya held eve " i know, shh.. i know." she said. it was clear the connection they had

@emilyevewrites group

"I know," Eve whispered.

"Enough!" Rosalind demanded. A surge of power flowed through her, and she destroyed the barrier with a sweep of her hand. She reached for them and successfully grabbed Eve's wrist. "Mavrice, control your daughter," Rosalind demanded, yanking Eve away.

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anya sparked full of fire, her father never moving an inch. " anya, i trust you."

@emilyevewrites group

Seeing her counterpart refused to move, Rosalind dragged Eve away quickly, back towards Alfea. "Let's go," she snapped, casting a light spell over them to hide their location.


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anya raced away, finding saul first " ben! get him out of here! farahs gone. shes coming after him next!"

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" saul.. im so..sorry… shes.. shes dead.." anya whispered, tears pricking her eyes as reality hit her. " shes dead.. and me nor eve could save her. rosalind has eve!"