forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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“ and I will erase you from existence if you touch her.” It was clear eve was Anya’s only weakness at this point, she was pissed

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“ don’t you dare touch her! “ she snapped
Her father had had enough, he twisted up on Anya’s arm and caused her to scream.

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Anya jolted, thrashing out and catching fire easily. She was going to burn up if she wasn’t carefully “ eve run! “

@emilyevewrites group

Eve hurried over to Anya and reached for her hand. "Come on!" she said, but before she could touch her, she felt herself being flung away. A shriek erupted from her lips, and her back hit a tree roughly. She collapsed to the ground and moaned quietly.

(Think Kylo Ren/Rey in their very first fight in the first sequel movie on Starkiller Base)

Deleted user

“ eve!” Anya ran up to her “ I’ve got you,” she said

Deleted user

“ don’t you fucking touch her..” Anya said as she tear up and held eve close

@emilyevewrites group

"I want my school back," Rosalind replied simply. "Give me Alfea."

Eve was quick to respond. "No."

Rosalind smirked. "That's what your mother said." She knew she'd touched a nerve, and sure enough, Eve turned and hid her face in Anya's shoulder.

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Anya growled, though something kept eves barrier. It was her father. “ you can hurt anyone. But your not hurting someone who’s in love with my daughter.” He growled

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind looked startled, showing significant emotion that typically wasn't evident on her face. "Mavrice? What are you doing?"

Eve looked up, trembling. Her eyes were cloudy with tears.

Deleted user

“ you threaten to kill my daughter, I’m not that stupid “